grace and love

294 posts


A sea of humanity Taquerias and street food Dance with la zona rosa Cheap drinks, clubs, and dates Nights in the Roma Section That balcony where I smoked So many cheap Camels Mezcal and tequila energizing and enervating Plazas full of beauty and poverty People in rags begging for my […]


Some things are dangerous to remember Nights flying through streets Lights flashing—sending signals Time slowing—now racing Every corner a new portal Every cluster of people a new stage I played those nights for all they were worth Behind each tinted window I saw a thrill Those manic nights had power […]


Its as easy To abuse a person As to abuse a substance To become addicted To a particular prism Through which to view oneself I breathe deeply And try to let go Of the compulsion I feel To connect incessantly And learn to carve independent space For my own thoughts […]


the fox is guarding the hen house and bp is fixing the oil spill a toxic game of cat and mouse big oil wants to save its well obama’s talking tough cuz folks are mad as hell but words just aren’t enough hypocrisy has a noxious smell we pay with […]

MONSTA MARX REMIX: the Hybrid Architecture of the GAGA Revolution

juh-juh JUST DANCE to pulsating pokerface rhythms in a TRANCE pink lips on the dealer’s ceiling with alejandro’s lil’ monster da dit-dit-DANCING in the dark flung far and going HARD fanon foucault mieville and marx reading parts and taking charge thinking big but drinking hard post-industrial DECAY ruins the family […]


da-dun-dun-da SHOW ME LOVE ba-dumpadum-pa UP ABOVE SHOW ME GRACE (deface-replace) give me hugs and toxic drugs da dit-dit-DANCING never enough in the DARK (be my thug) MONSTA’s here Never fear in-in-INTIFADA in your ear BYPO c2010 EVOLVE or Die Trying REVOLT or Live Lying


LOVE and RAGE GUILT and SHAME make me CRY SCREAM my NAME trust is a WEAPON when LOVE is a GAME RAGE is a MONSTER too TOXIC to TAME BYPO c2010 Evolve–Or Die Trying

MEMORIA: A Tribute to the Life of Gloria Cobbs

stop to pray stop and stare pain can teach or destroy night and day love and rage rule the streets fill a void six feet deep a body laid grief runs wild children play set love free this sacred day make a choice to change your ways friendship bleeds love […]