You are an intergalactic missionary dancing to the throb of pulsating rhythms

You heal schisms and conjure visions—imagining the power to transform this system

With the moon in Virgo I feel pride and elation rise to the surface conveying all that you mean to my spirit and my passion

We will trace the contortions of the cosmos on our bodies–gestating a seismic volcanic reaction

You oscillate from the Milky Way to Andromeda at a ferocious pace far beyond the speed of light

Andromeda is a lodestone in our will to fight, in our capacity for insight, and in our spiritual might

My muse and my brother you overwhelm me with your sacred gifts

You maximize our will to resist, raising a chain-mailed fist to eradicate the satanic minions in our midst

The magnetic pull of Andromeda on our seas is a faint rival to that of our moon

Waves of cosmic ecstasy evoke tantalizing grooves burning hot and unearthing fuels

Angel, vixen, and vesper you transform the possible and craft your own fierce and hypnotic narrative

May the spirits of Andromeda bless our armies with the power to be defiant, self-reliant, and profoundly creative

visuals by @kingstephon_ on IG



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