Snake medicine pulsates through my being, unleashing immense powers of creativity—bringing psychic energy into awareness and channeling this magic towards our need for healing…

The kundalini power arising from the root chakra ascends through our snake-like spinal column…I envision a serpentine double-helix armoring our spines and our minds through connection to the sacred and to the erotic…

To master snake medicine one must endure multiple bites that conspire to confer the power to transmute all poisons—be that of supposedly terminal cancer or the supposedly interminable tyranny of capitalism…

Snakes emerged from the sacred waters of creation and evolution—they surged from the seas as so many sinuous masses of muscle…

Cold-blooded they need our sun’s light on a daily basis to survive…

Snakes are deeply rooted in the earth and intrinsically interwoven with solar energy…

As they molt, shedding layers of dead skin, snakes remind us that change is a constant process and that we must hold fiercely to our inner truths…

Snakes remind us to hold on to what is of use from our beings and our pasts—and to move through pain fearlessly learning the lessons towards which we are being propelled…

The oracle of the snake draws together these potent forces of transmutation and alchemy—forces of synergy and sorcery…

She unleashes snake medicine into our re-emerging global intifada for truth, justice, and liberation…

The oracle pushes us below the surface of emotions and perceptions to unleash serpentine powers of destruction and creation, bringing us to the truths slithering about in our subconscious…

It is from these deep psychic roots that the work of transformation must build its revolutionary fire…

this poem was co-created with Naiima Lovechild who is pictured in both photos



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