We need this album
We crave a dose of joy
We are living amidst apocalypse
Broken mirrors capture the soul
This album of mayhem
Deploying the entropy of anarchy
Deeply throbbing pulsating beats
Generations of mixologists conjured this chemistry
Abracadabra the anthem
The word a pagan incantation
We invoke shamanic liberation
Pop anthems awaken blood memory
Come to our temple
This vortex of transformation
Fueling resistance
This dance floor on fire
This is epic pop
Alchemizing eras
Echoes of Michael
Emanations of Madonna
We need our divas
Anchors for hope
Living amidst rising fascism
Craving creative flow
Our superpower is breath
Potent chakras realign
Gaga rules with mayhem
Mayhem rules our minds
Madonna quoted Brecht
A Marxist poet in Nazi Germany
He said there will be art in darkness
It will be art about the darkness
There is deep truth here
But our zeitgeist is complex
We need celebration
Joy amidst apocalypse
Broken mirrors a metaphor
Showing fragments of reality
Reconfigured by chaos
Synthesized by pop genius
There is an imperative lodged here
The category: Dance or Die
We pour sacred fire into this dance
Dilating the terrain of resistance
Dance or Die
Rise and fly
This maelstrom is not permanent
God is change
We shape the change
Octavia’s earthseed manifests
Mayhem a masterpiece
I digest its complexity
We move through mayhem
Reimagining our karmic destiny
–inspired by @ladygaga