UPROOTING PATRIARCHY: a revolutionary riff

as boys we are told not to cry
told to hold it in–until inner truth gives way to lies

as we grow we learn the rules of a patriarchal order
where sex is a commodity to be owned bought or stolen.]

not one of us is immune to this toxic refuse
we are raised to be masters–to covet and to use

emotions repressed produce rage turned inward
bringing strife and depression–polluting the waters of creation

through my black and queer eyes i see a path to liberation
we must rise against this system–we must strive for revolution

sculpted and tattoed–thugged out or in drag
we need a polylingual army–trans and queer arm in arm

the assault of this system on our bodies and our minds
will take generations to repair and will take all the courage we can find

unite against patriarchy–against rape culture–against bigotry
our fly and sexy army can put capitalism in the dustbin of history

