nocturnal visions and prophecies suffuse our world and let her breathe…craving love and refusing sleep—crafting verses driving deep…pentagons and hexagons—trapezoids and octagons…geometry voiced by our freedom songs—doing right and righting wrongs…

we weave the tapestry of a new religion from disparate threads of divergent spiritual traditions…grounding our energy through meditation—seeking karmic cosmic revelations…contrasting colors weave in and out—telling our stories loud and proud…we build a street art underground—anchored by the anarchists who run this town…

our fingers are plated in gold and titanium—our temples are powered by cyber-wired vibranium…a potent memory is dancing through the night at the palladium—pulsating as my cortex learned to transcend the pressure of my cranium…

we are building an army of sex-fueled freaks and disciples—we will carry swords of valerian steel to deflect the bullets of their rifles…i seduce new lovers in search of my next cypher—ancient goddesses are coming back styled as vixens and jedi vipers…

this tapestry we mold, craft, and weave points to solutions for our planet and for meeting human need…red and black strands interact as their adherents interbreed—building for the moment to bring this unholy babylon to its knees

