Your pores exude a savage musky intensity, suggesting exquisite power and confidence…

I feel your chest next to mine and I am intensely aroused…

I feel our hips locking into synchronicity and I feel my snake magic rising to the surface of awareness…

You are cock diesel—a master of seductive charms and a virtuoso navigating the bass throb of the dance floor as it vibrates to the subterranean rhythms of hard house anthems…

I run my fingers through your hair and sense the susurration of thought swirling within…

I hold your eyes in my focus and I cultivate the ecstasy of this connection…

You are a soldier in our quest for social transformation…

You cling tenaciously to the contours of your vision of revolution and liberation…

But you listen to your reality, you reassess, and you change course when necessary…

Your chest and arms are diesel, leaving my mind intoxicated…

Cock diesel—sexy, pulsating, and full of heart…


–Visuals by @slavamogutin & @MiamiLux_



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