You are an angel in my pantheon—a muse for my creative mind…

The power of your psychic torus extends and extrapolates ever further as our psyches intertwine…

You are evolving into a prophet of ecstasy, solidarity, and radical imagination…

You are redefining sex appeal as the primordial exoskeleton of our newrising civilization…

You transform base metals into rings of sacred titanium to adorn your regal fingers while you dance…

With armor plated hands, the hands of a king, you enhance your metaphysical capacity to entrance…

Change is the only constant—everything is either evolving, or approaching a state of degredation…

Everything is in flux–caught in riptides and tornadoes of insight, repression, and self actualization…

Your alchemy inspires verses capturing our seismic cosmic chemistry—verses for ungodly hours and verses of seduction…

We dig deep foundations to capture our synergy–to move from this world of oppression towards a healthy spiritual resurrection…

You twist, stomp, and thrust to the rhythms of an emergent subterranean club serving as a hub of resistance…

You inspire our minds as you move–conjuring hope that we can evolve beyond the perameters of this system…

Your sinuous dance refuels the inner sanctums of my mind—stimulating creation and reminding me what I am and what I am made of…

Your eyes manifest like temples of light–bringing forth supresssed desires and revolutionary incantations…

You are king of the dance floor—king of physical and chemical attraction…

I chart your path through the cosmos—writing from a place of awe, affection, and inspiration…


both images are of KING STEPHON: @kingstephon_ on IG >> @king_stephon_ on twitter




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