We move with epic style
Versace shades beguile
We seek transcendent freedom
Freedom from shame and denial
I strive to light your way
A path from drugs we crave
We name the roots of pain
Nurturing a sacred flame
We strut and flaunt our fur
Rebranding this holy word
Recovery transforms our world
A flag of hope and pride unfurls
We are beasts of Cylon breed
A matrix of potential interweaves
Our monster bares her teeth
We brand a prophetic creed
I sublimate desire
Conjuring prophetic fire
Your energy I require
Helping my spirit rewire
We are valkyries of the oppressed
Sworn to this revolutionary quest
Prophetic tattoos will brand our chests
Seduction will permeate our breath
We are recovery pimps
We share a love transcendent
Pulsating and kinetic
Universal and electric
It is fierce and fly to live clean
No longer slaves to our disease
We fuck as we please
Bringing Babylon to its knee
We are sacred spirit brothers
Powered by love for one another
We reimagine the seven wonders
This is our prophetic album cover
–images feature @tyleryoung_8 on twitter & @bypo.phoenix on IG
4 thoughts on “RECOVERY PIMPS”
thanks dear friend!!
Love it!
thanks friend!