Latex and leather
Burning with pleasure
You taste my desire
Our bodies together

Your eyes are piercing
Your intellect searing
Creativity abundant
Awakening forbidden feelings

I want your body
I seduce your mind
Magic transpires
Our limbs intertwine

The erotic potent
My emotions visceral
You tempt me profoundly
My longing neurochemical

Enslaved by lust
I reach for your hand
Conjuring liberation
Crafting sacred plans

Erotic potential
Desire elemental
Unleashing imagination
Amidst rain torrential

These waters cleanse
Reminding me of alignment
Emotions cohere
Clarity flows inside me

Boundaries are precious
They protect what is sacred
I resist shadow lust
I move with intention


leather: @armyofmenco; model: @_kaygan; photos: @rafandway1; latex:



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