trans and queer–proud as fuck
bashing back and acting up
bigots in power–a satanic cabal
fueling nazi resurgence–holding white minds in thrall
cruise missiles unleashed–playing dangerous games
violently reasserting the power of war to enslave
to resist this assault demands all that we have
the fate of our species is in corporate hands
but our class has a power greater than their atom bombs
we can shut this shit down–let a new world be born
to imagine a classless future we must start with what we have
building relationships and trust–through solidarity and mutual aid
let old dogmas die–let a new praxis fly free
arising like a phoenix from the embers of history
in heart and in mind–in word and in deed
our class must stand united–like deep roots grow from seed
sex it up and hold it down–build a street art underground
fight for freedom or die in chains–global carnage could be our fate
roots grow deep anchored hard
a new world order grows in our hearts
second image is King Stephon >> on IG @kingstephon_