chemical reaction–a sweet satisfaction…orgasmic interaction–its physical attraction…we seek all our lives–for ones to love and to fuck…we harbor deep inside–the urge to rim and suck…expanding our conceptions of sex and of gender–has left the right apoplectic, fired up, and untethered…to my trans sisters and brothers i dedicate my life–i commit to being a luchador in the struggle for the right to be and thrive…prohomo street artists flirt with queer subaltern gangsters…conjuring a cylon army of rebels in platinum armor…i long to be loved and i live to be true–i dream of a future where transcendant love would serve as social glue…its time to rise up against this burgeoning fascist state…its time to rip the post-modern veil from a reborn third reich…trans sisters and brothers are rising to lead us towards revolution–centering the voices of those most marginalized is a movement building solution…physical attraction gives rise to a new karmic matrix–rebuilding social power and marginalizing those who hate us…but to transform human society into a new egalitarian system… we will need to uproot systems of oppression and reclaim the unearned wealth of the 1%…let trans and queer voices be at the forefront of that fight–alongside the movement for black lives–and the indignous folk defending water rights…revolution must become the zeitgeist of the left in this perilous hour–we must build power and relationships that can reimagine what is possible and topple trump tower