FOREVER TONIGHT: an anthem of liberation

electrified by the moon and intoxicated by the stars
i seek fellow travelers in electric clubs and hipster bars

i want forever tonight—i want it deep in my soul
i will accrue passing years but i will never grow old

the future of our tribe  lies with the nascent generations arising
we fight for liberation in this moment—we build a karmic uprising

we must link all of our struggles and conspire with flair
we must build temples of ossified lava like the jedi built their lairs

we claim a future in distant galaxies—opened to our travel by wormholes
we celebrate romantic symphonies—our insurgency grows deeper and more bold

transwomen of color bear the brunt of systemic harm
we must defend all of our sisters from patriarchy’s toxic arm

we marched for racial justice—decrying white supremacy
we must defend all of our immigrants—defend all of our migrants right to be

our struggle is cosmic—it is spiritual and all encompassing
we must unite a potent force to rebel and riot–to dance and sing

we will light sacred bonfires on the graves of nefarious sycophants
we will imprison the shock doctrine profiteers and amplify our demands

i want forever tonight—but i want forever with liberation
humankind has suffered too long under systems of exploitation

we recruit to our movements—i recruit to my tribe
monster queer and manic depressive—i plot by day and tag all night

evenings extended exponentially by lines of coke or tabs of speed
are the breeding ground for the illumination of our species’ mysteries

i want forever tonight—it feels good it feels right
amplify your liberation—seek karmic insight

