i see parabolas and hyperbolas in the fires i burn outside
the fractals that coat my sky are the signature of the night
i feel energy and possibility emanating from deep inside
my dreams consume my consciousness bringing peace and taking flight
churning flames resemble hurricanes orbiting a floating rope
we imagine a power that can traverse oceans and unify our divided globe
the possibility of insurrection lies firmly in our scope
we build support and community so our psyches and souls can cope
plumes of smoke resemble arabic script resonating in my mind
nocturnal beasts are consumed with the erotic in the dark or in the light
my mind is wired to the rhythms reverberating through my spine
i pray for insight and evolution on this cooling october night
my mind is wired and on hyperspeed always blessed and never alone
the force is strong with my tribe of rebels superfly and always dope
we tag walls and craft murals blasted hard on modern stone
we imagine a classless future where all migrants will have a home
vistas of enlightenment are suddenly within sight
the protozoan embers of revolution are recombining with nascent pride
our armies grow bold armed with fire and guided by celestial signs
we build a power that can transcend systemic evil and conquer toxic lies