sacred fires burn inside—building our archetypal style…meditating on our desire—allowing our minds to evolve and inspire…free thought unleashed and branded hard—dancing with passion though deeply scarred…we writhe in pain alone in the dark—craving solace for our bleeding hearts…
finally our creative synergy flies free—we build spiritual power every time we breathe…i know there is truth in the things i see—i know this diagnosis is more than pathology… pain is a vortex allowing us to change—forging new connections in our brains…we must celebrate past tears every time it rains—we must build the solidarity that can keep us sane…
amped up on speed and flying high—the angel of dopamine on overdrive…worshiping the fullness of the moon banksystyle—giving voice to sacred powers arising deep inside…we worship our gods and groove to house anthems—we dream of liberation and of the end of this system…we speak truth to power but our rulers never listen—we transfuse our veins with the best of divergent traditions…
an archetype is a visual paradigm—a seductive glance enhanced by rhyme…we harness our powers and slow the flow of time—living in the moment flirting with a life of crime…we evolve and thrive consummating our dreams–inspired by hyper-modern hieroglyphics flying free…revolutionary aspirations meld with ecstasy–we become the rulers we want to see
this poem was inspired by my friend @MiamiLux_ who is pictured first
the second image is King Stephon >> @kingstephon_ on IG