a force lifts me up, healing from so much pain
a light pierces clouds as the sun follows rain

we allow erotic energy to flow and percolate
creating sacred space for new ideas to arise and germinate

we must conjure superpowers to fuel our resistance
we must unearth cosmic truth from the worlds of science fiction

civil war and imperial power take us close to imminent extinction
we arm our subaltern army blessed with a karmic mission

in my arms i cradle a lover karmically blessed by a distant star
our souls are bonded together, too interwoven to be torn apart

our destines interact, inside out, near or far
we are soldiers in an anarchist army, with a new world growing within our hearts

its time to abolish mass incarceration–time to pierce the charade of drug prohibition.
we are crafting a world rooted in hope and love gleaning wisdom from nature’s systems

beauty comes in many guises—comes hidden behind many masks
nascent love is full of surprises—reinspiring me on my spiritual path



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