RIPENING: new rules for a new religion

I write because I have to—I write because I have something to say…I create because I have the right to—I imagine a world crafted by holistic ways…my mind reinspired by the solstice, I imagine a new multifaceted matrix…clothed in technicolor aspirations I arise from the ashes of the past like a phoenix…

breathe slowly and intentionally and you will find yourself fully in the present and in control of the flow of time…manic blinking, while intoxicating, risks alarming the watchdogs alert to threats of crime…we must evolve past constant submersion in stress, anxiety, and circular firing squads of unnecessary thought…we must allow a pandora’s box of mutant powers to emerge arming us to save our species’ perilous place on this earth…

fire swarms and evolves in harmony with the music pulsating from my speaker…I dive into introspection sinking roots ever deeper and deeper…I seek to codify new rules setting parameters for the experience of manic zen…I seek to find evolving siblings intermingling—allowing divine presence to arise deep within…

this is the LIFE CULT: a new religion crafted to undermine fascist regimes like an cybernetic virus…we find converts roaming the streets at night when the energetic flow of creativity is upon us…we must rediscover the wisdom of ancient ancestors and break free of the chains making us slaves to time…we must emancipate our people from remaining enslaved to repressive patterns branded in our minds…

the sacred fire arises at the epicenter of our nascent anarchist praxis…observe the flames closely and you will be immersed in potent images projected by your subconscious…electrochemically synced mirror balls and intergalactic wormholes teem through my imagination…its time to import a new level of consciousness through the portals of our rising constellations…

I strive to savor the moment and to be the slowest force in the room…I strive to harness my power to hone my mind and regulate my sleep empowering me to work for this system’s doom…tonight I saw a golden vision of a spiked globe descending into orbit–we must prepare the masses to rise up and reclaim our world if it takes a global karmic riot…

our armies of neurodivergents will arise to claim enlightenment and topple the toxic rising fascist order…phalanxes of anarchists arise styled fly advancing from all directions as the prophecied agents of karma

second image is a photo by CONRADO MULUC >> @conradomuluc on IG



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