I am conjuring a metaphor—I am conjuring a rhyme…the fractals animating my imagination are sinking deep roots in my mind…I heed the polyvalent technicolor narratives conveyed by our planets in orbit–the power of astrological wisdom helps me live most fully in the present…

a cosmic conjecture is a wild psychic extrapolation–it is a psychedelic hint of hope amidst the death throes of our civilization…we see visions all around when we ground ourselves in the moment and open our eyes—we see prophecies unfold before us longing to be realized…

there is no proof that we can escape this systemic cataclysm–against the odds, we are neurodivergent samurai on a sacred karmic mission…I conjecture that we can salvage a future from this bleak dystopian fate—I conjecture that we can escape the horror of armageddon or the terror of a global fascist state…

we have the power to resist and the power to imagine—we have the power to create and the power to inspire the tapestry of new religions…I sink my feet in the earth and I focus on the light of a distant star—the energy of my cosmic conjectures produces dynamic fractals of magical energy circulating near and far…

–Both Images are by Brian Fields >> @bfieldsnc on twitter



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