Energy reverberates through crystal prisms—energy that is never either created or destroyed…
Power magnifies from the source, channelling energy as it changes form—cultivating connection and creativity…
We are all connected to this universal power—we are all conduits for spiritual, cosmic, and tantric synergy…
Our source defies and transcends gender…
It is a beacon in our struggle for freedom and emancipation—an obelisk fueling subterranean forces working to uproot interwoven systems of oppression and exploitation…
The source is omnipresent—aiding the best in each of us…
But when we fully accept its power and presence in our lives the miraculous becomes possible…
Energy is everywhere—the sacred and divine are waiting to manifest through our awakening spirituality…
The source is a power that is rooted deep within—it is a potent wellspring of hope, compassion, and collective liberation…
Both images are by Brian Fields >> @bfieldsnc on twitter