Your power grinds and reverberates
Your energy burns and levitates
Epic tattoos brand and animate
Gender binaries blur and disintegrate
Raw leather and supple lace
Outline our fate and our place
The fire of passion imbues your face
Our armies rise to conquer hate
Tantric geisha liberate
Erotic zen proliferates
Nonbinary fire emancipates
Sacred rhythms orchestrate
We heal from pain that devastates
We see our traumas and reintegrate
Waves of energy undulate
Our race against time accelerates
Your eyes glow and illuminate
Sacred ink echoes and activates
Pulsating lovers throb and gyrate
Femme lace comes to dominate
We rise with pride and propagate
Revolutionary dreams percolate
Our cosmic path resonates
Sex and sentience permeate
Divine powers gestate
Corporeal synergy pulsates
Leather and lace germinate
Conjuring a tantric caliphate
Inspired by Flo >> @fkfbrln on IG >> @inkedbrln on twitter
Leather by @armyofmenco >> Lingerie by @ProteoMX
FIrst photo by @rafandway >> second photo by @JuanOyervides