Shadows reverberate across this water
Reminding me of your tantric armor
Inspiring me
Rewiring me
Inviting me to trust you further
Leather pulsating with sex appeal
Unearthing truths to be revealed
Releasing control
Enticing my soul
Arousing passion I cannot conceal
We celebrate the power of blackness
We share love and joy as we rise and resist
Uprooting oppression
Invoking resurrection
Tantric armor and chain-mailed fists
I sense epic power rooted deep
Permeating this river while mortals sleep
Exploring attraction
Craving satisfaction
Writhing to set our sacred dreams free
You are sheathed in Athena’s steel
But vulnerable like Achilles’ heel
Craving connection
Seeking protection
Awakening to see prophecy revealed
Your tantric armor fuels karmic fire
Unleashing fractals of cosmic desire
This is seduction
Resisting destruction
Tantric armor emerging to topple empire
Images by @jonzu on IG, @JonzuXJones on twitter