hybrid spirits realign–crafting plans and reading minds…rebels fight and percolate–arming shields with platinum plates…
gaga strikes while banksy flies–systems change when graf-heads write…cylon powers reemerge–disparate traditions reconverge…
prophecy and chemistry–artistry and alchemy…ministry that never sleeps builds an altar rooted deep…
our universe is vast but bounded…our resistance evolves–fierce and grounded…oppressive patterns are branded black–in hearts and minds–in law and fact…
the sun gives life–water restores…the earth is our mother–sacred fire is our sword…the anarchist imagination runs like a river to the soul…the marxist matrix re-examined–transformed by new words…
we need street fighters and street artists–we need analysis sharp as steel…our rebellion must live in the moment–keeping it lit–keeping it real…the future of the future will still contain the past…the legacy of revolutions shows that time goes slow–then goes fast…
we are living through a historic crossroads–between diametrically opposed visions for our world…we fight the threat of fascism–we fight for all that’s sacred–for karmic rebirth…
there are barricades to build–and toxic patterns to be conquered…a polylingual phoenix is rising–from the ashes–cosmically powered…
sweet dreams to our growing army–seduce the angels of light and life…spirits bless our growing resistance with a gaze that pierces the dark of night
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second image designed by RVLTN… @rvltn on twitter