I am a fractal infecting the matrix
a reborn intifada uprooting the empire’s military bases
from the sands of the desert where divinity recreates us
we craft a reborn faith whose zeitgeist can sustain us

we need a holy war to uproot this toxic fascist order
a jihad of epic proportions to ensure our people aren’t destroyed
our manic minds imagine a mosque of brick and mortar
one that downloads new prophecies from interstellar signals refracting through our cylon portals…

my mind is conducting its own introspective EEG
quantifying the electricity generated by my neurochemistry
I feel the energy and power of holy muslim prophesies
I want to make my own pilgrimage to see if mecca can accept a proud queer

brother phoenix jagged edge undertook the conversion
finding a faith to keep flair and resistance in motion
rituals of sacred prayer and intentional meditation
they imbue this ancient faith as it navigates and changes direction

i strive to harness my powers and sync with the moon and sun
what i crave is a serenely sustainable manic equilibrium
the power to still the waters of time inviting revolutionary angels to come
the power to read your mind when our intertwining souls become one

the science of evolution fuses with the infinite brilliance of creation
our minds are in constant motion transcribing the future of evolution
Sufi mystics reinterpret the kaballah crafting mystical religion
agents of karma mass produce new organizers building for a triumphant revolution

our caliph to come might be a black trans diva
providing spiritual guidance to an army of vishnus and shivas
allowing decentralized social reconstruction to move forward unimpeded
while keeping alive the divergent faith traditions that have interbred and recongealed

my god is the big bang better known as ALLAH
the prophet muhammed brought cosmic truth, radiant love, and a divine revolutionary spark
we build a caliphate to replace a system that is tearing our planet apart
we destroy and rebuild crafting a new world in our hearts

lead image is art by HOMO RIOT >> @homoriot



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