desecration and violation
toxic psychic devastation
caustic pain is in gestation
blocking love and trust and creation
so much to learn if i dig in deep
boundaries i have transgressed perpetrated on me
i swarm with feeling dirty and emotionally unclean
i pray for tears to flow and sanctify my scarred body
we need transformational solutions to sexual violence
the tendrils of our toxic system are rooted deep inside us
we need circles of community to ground and hold us
we can aspire to become fractals that move consensually at the speed of trust
i sit with the echoes of this forced penetration
i grieve and cry in the confines of my basement
freedom and love heal trauma with celebration
i pray that this cauldron of pain brings new revelations
as we stumble toward repair crafting our collective liberation
both photographs are by CONRADO MULUC >> @conradomuluc on IG