heart-felt passion and heart-felt pain intertwine and recombine inside this dancer’s brain
inspired by love inflected by rage
we rise to shatter titanic systemic psychic chains
this is a neon hybrid: a supersonic dance floor
bridging the chasms between contending sectors of our universe
we sings songs of compassion and songs of collective pride
we attune our sensory arsenal to the revolutionary power surging deep inside
this is a neon hybrid inspired by fierce hyperbolic energy
we cultivate the love deep within to nurture a powerful new way of seeing
this neon magic is transfixing in its majesty
inspiring new ways to dance, to love, and to breathe
–VISUALS are by KING STEPHON c)2020 @kingstephon_ on IG
–POEM is co-created by BYPO PHOENIX and KING STEPHON c)2020