You are a radiant zephyr—a fierce seductive cypher
You entice with your mind conjuring the sex energy of the aether
The seismic fractals of your being vanquish the deceivers
The heat of your body fuels an ecstatic subterranean fever
The synergy between us writhes and thrives
It resonates deep within reimagining our lives
Our synergy is platonic electric and fly
We reclaim the dance floor possessed by desire
You caress like a gentle breeze breathing love breathing peace
You manifest potent kundalini and your supplicants take the knee
Deeply rooted sensuality inspires karmic cosmic chemistry
We are recruiting shock troop infantry to rise up for karmic destiny
There is a storm inside us—transforming inside us
Its presence rewiring us—its essence defining us
Transformed by vectors of magma resurgent among us
We evolve into chrysalis awaiting what will become of us
We rise like birds of prey possessed with inner fire
We intertwine and realign as this zeitgeist transpires
The zephyr power you manifest is the power to inspire
It is the reverberation of desire fueling a sacred carnal pyre
Images by Michael Miguel >> @miguelriverz on IG >> @akamichaelm on twitter