This poem is a collaboration between Emitt More and BYPO PHOENIX
The photos are by Emitt >> @emittmore on IG and twitter
Eyes intense and fierce
Commanding and alluring
Seductive and compelling
Pulsating with cosmic possibility
You move like a predator
Crouching and flexing
Caressing and transgressing
A juxtaposition of the feral and the erotic
Sacred power emanates
Conjuring ancient shamanic traditions
These prophecies—primal and pagan
Imbued with an epic magnitude of hope and rage
I see you
I welcome you
This divine alchemy is salvation
Imagining an alternative to apocalypse
Imagining liberation
I write with my left hand now
Seeking the emotional brain
Seeking insight and intimacy
I am intoxicated
Imagining your touch and embrace
Feeling your energy
Potent sublime and visceral
This is pagan prophecy
In search of destiny
In search of ecstasy
Cultivating tantric synergy
A taste of orgasmic power
A taste of the divine
Photograph by Emitt More @emittmore on IG and twitter
The model is @jonzu on IG or @JordanJamesonX on twitter