You spin hard house

Vibrating the club floor

Cyberpunk to the core

Our drug of choice is more


I seek the fire of recovery

The sacred power of discovery

Potent flames ignite my memory

Reimagining collective destiny


We seek subterranean rhythms 

Rhythmic throbs of revolution

This magnum anthem burns

It is a viscous karmic solution


I feel your tantric energy

I am intoxicated by your creative eye

Your body is a nest of pleasure

Our sex cult is anarchy’s disguise


Your potent virility permeates

Sinuous bodies writhe and orchestrate

An arsenal of carnal power detonates

We pray that liberation becomes our fate


You disrupt the gender binary 

Deploying the power of seduction

You fuse rival archetypes

Crafting this anthem’s percussion


Fierce treble pierces the fog of confusion

Bass reverberates with the flow of evolution

Our sacred dance awakens cosmic fusion

Our bodies grind in this love profusion


This magnum anthem is pregnant with fire

Unleashing a fusillade of torrid desire

The pulse of sex magic is what we require

Our magnum anthem dismantles empire

Images are by @rrefnaa_ on IG, @LeDicenAnfer on twitter



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