grace and love

310 posts


  (note: if you are using your phone to read this, use a landscape view to see the formatting clearly) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   This quantum bondIts power transforms meCreating lineageCrafting prophecy Navigating this spectrumLaying down the foundationExpanding horizonsRedefining old identities Our kinetic attractionShared neurochemistryCreative quantum synergyA karmic reaction Lessons I have […]


Eyes of painChained to addictionYou died so youngLeaving us with your vision Your music was iconicReconfiguring genresYou carved a tortured pathYou were an agent of karma You left a prophecyAn oracle of liberationImagining evolutionForeseeing transformation Your drug fueled lyricsPermeated by painYou captured why we useGiving voice to our shame Your […]


Friendships are born of loveThey are also born of conflict Your closest people are never yes menYour inner tribe will challenge youHolding you accountableAffirming alignment and integrity There are sometimes fierce conversationsYour ride or die posse will come backProcessing painful feelingsMoving from rupture to repair We are empowered by emotionsQuantum […]

The GOD Element

My god lives in my gratitudeIn faith in familyThrough trust in friendsEmbodied in diligence in recovery Our spiritual growthEssentialBut painfulShedding the shell of egoWelcoming humility My god speaks with intentionManifesting compassionAmplifying creativity We conjure tapestries of meaningWoven of our vulnerabilitiesSacred presence churning withinDivine lessons fueling ecstasy My god lives in […]


Until we need it mostWe often do not know how blessed we are I could easily have been killed on January 2, 2025Four young men demanded my winter coat I refusedThey pummelled my head relentlesslyI felt teeth crack I relentedGiving them my Moose Knuckle parkaThey took my coat and bagDriving […]


  You manifest magicYour eyes orgasmicYour energy emphaticMy mind ecstatic You evolve in all directionsThis microcosm expandsThe small mirrors the wholeRealizing sacred plans Your sex appeal effortlessYour body sleek and sinuousYour magnetism electricYou are a fractal of the tantric I write amidst maniaFinding grounding in your visageMy spiritual roots become […]


  I met youIn the building we shareYou were talking about decolonizing astrologyA glimpse of your mindAs you exited the elevator My spirit was entrancedMagnetically attractedIntoxicated by the promise of insightThus our journey began It has been about six monthsThis prophetic practiceA modality you have branded alignment coaching Integrating the […]


  This is a pivotal election. We are going to the polls to choose a president amidst global outcry over genocide in Palestine. Wide layers of activists and radicals, Arabs and Muslims, and many more are utterly disgusted by this horrifying status quo.    I get it. Its hard to […]


  These tears we let flowThrough art we createFeeling painful emotionsThat we no longer sedate Loving to numbGetting high was our thingWe chased euphoriaNow we live to stay clean Enchained by addictionWe fled our insecuritiesGripped by toxic shameWe escaped psycho-chemically Now we survive our feelingsOur emotions are psychic fuelAlchemized by […]


    Hellscape or futurescapeOur collective fate on a precipice What awaits?Ensuing barbaric milleniaEnchained as slaves to avariceThis tyranny of base and primitive instinctsOur legacy of civilization perilous Technology can build our powerA tool of progress and liberationOr it can be our deathSacrificing humanityLacerated at the altar of profit Do […]


I write by my fireEmbers burn and glowI search for prophecyVolcanic testament in flow Oracle of DelphiPythia of mythologyPriestess of ApolloCrafting anarchist anthropology This is the season of lionsgateA galactic alignmentI summon this divinationThis sacred inquiry This labyrinth of meaningSpeaks to our noble purposeThese cards suggest parablesNarratives to affirm us […]


Unsettling facesFamiliar truthsFlocks of sheepAnalyzing me I know they judgeTheir eyes tell me soFalse reciprocationCould be so Seeking acceptanceYet quick to judgmentMisunderstoodThoughts repugnant  Master of mind readingSocially repellantA breeding ground for lonelinessSoul left unsatisfied Unhealthy ways of protectionWith fear to changeMy closed minded tendenciesDespondent thoughts deranged  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Visuals art by […]


  Your voice majesticLyrics poeticYour essence copaceticConveying a coquette aesthetic Words of wistfulnessAn alluring heartbreakerYour chokehold on menA true soul taker Songs of love and despairDrawing tears from our eyesMelancholic and nostalgicWords you imply Tales of toxic romanceRelating painUnapologetically vulnerableShowing no shame Your attractive auraA force my mind beholdsEmitting a […]

ANGEL PHOENIX PROPHECY: chronicles of new york

  Words fail to describeThis manic energy we feelStepping off of that busEnraptured by the gravity of Gotham This is New York CityA mania-inducing metropolisIts rhythm potent and virileIts demons ghostly and feral This feeling ecstatic and restlessThis fervent euphoric dysturbiaI feel powerless to tame this energyBurning with carnal cosmic […]


Your manic eyesOur manic mindsEvolving geniusPsychotic disguise We throb and danceRhythm deep withinThese sparks againArising for the win Inspiring insightManifesting foresightTectonic alchemyCreating spiritual reality Your eyes are magicYour kaleidoscope of colorReflecting intensityConjuring prophecy and destiny I love you like no otherMy protege and spirit brotherWe are architects of a new […]


i I have seen three filmsThree prisms for the psycheYour eye impeccableAccessing the emotional subterranean Your latest work incisiveExploring tennis as metaphorTennis as a relationshipAmbition and driveCalculation and manipulation In your eyeTime is a vortexTime is collapsedEmotional memories juxtaposedManifest in exquisite cinematography Each of these charactersRich and deepYour eye accessing […]


Connecting with you is like fireGenerativePowerful and movingPulsating with Platonic attractionRemembering what it feels like for a boy We live as menDisconnected from our feelingsDisembodiedEnslaved by subterranean emotions We cover our fear with angerWe ignore deeply rooted shameHiding our insecurities behind performative facades Repressing our desire for transcendent loveRepressing our […]


There is this journeyA portal of insight wreathed by fireI find this staffChanneling the magic I require I journey with youCrafting these exquisite momentsMeeting brilliant beings in your worldThis family of liberation you have chosen Druid spirit permeates this staffInfusing aging wood with purposeSustaining this psychic infernoSupporting me religiously—as you […]

KALI METAMORPHOSIS: anthem for dragon

We share a connectionWe share shamanic magicThe duality of the tantricA fierce energy ecstatic You manifest the divineDuality redefinedThe epic power of KaliCreation redesigned You feast on the blood of demonsOssified skulls adorn your waistSacred sigils frame your faceVisceral dark magic permeates Our journey touched by fireRemolding the power of […]


We are raised to venerate familyIt is said that we are equally related within our nuclear familiesEqually related to our parents and to our siblings Genetically this is trueBut energetically and spirituallyI know there is no one closer to me than my brother By a bit less than four yearsI […]


Your confidence is penetratingAlluring and devastatingTension is escalatingLibido is salivating This is back alley kinkYou are armored in leatherPotent tides draw us togetherAmplifying an inferno of pleasure You tantalize my mindElectricity courses insideTime is rewiredDistorted by the fire of desire The scent of sex proliferatesSurging dopamine dominatesKarmic angels liberateSynapses fire […]


I am ensconced in recoveryEmblazoned by surrenderRewired by these watersRivers of transformation flowing together I am the water kingAn aquatic tantric magicianI resurrect ancient prophecyI create my own religion My throne is luminousMy kingdom egalitarianNeurodivergence fuels our purposeWaters of recovery evoke equilibrium Tides of connection surge insideThe river of recovery […]


    I feel joyEcstatic joyConnection with these beingsConnection with deep waters of transformation Godlings of rain bless this space todayThe land inundatedWater finding the path of least resistanceFlowing serpentine Abram’s Creek a delugePregnant with energy and healingConnecting us with our spirit bodies Our energy flows with the creekFluid lines […]


This is raw emotionBarely processed reflexive emotionFeelings swimming amidst violent cliffsLurching in divergent directionsSeeking cathartic expressionSeeking connection We loved youWe loved you fiercelyIf only you could have felt the joy of youThe humility and vulnerabilityThe visceral presence of connection Ultimately there is no logicWe cannot know your final feelingsWe cannot […]


I made this pilgrimageI came to the sea seeking recoveryTo this convening of addictsTrying to change our patternsTrying to recover It is only AprilThe ocean is still coldBut I walked into her arms three times yesterday I waded in with the dawnWatching the sun rise through the lens of a […]

MANIFEST PHOENIX: a bypo journal

I write by deep watersDeep frigid winter watersAs Jupiter aligns with VenusI write about what I am becomingWords of metamorphosis and transformation Emerging as a manifest phoenixI seek profound humilityPowers of compassion and empathyOf emotional synergy and alchemy Orogeny is a sacred capabilityChanneling the fractious fire of tectonic platesHarnessing sinuous […]