Asian Erotica

3 posts


Your chest is brandedTattoos geometricEnergy concentricSynergy electric Your veins course with powerImbued with noble bloodUndulating passionConjuring a synaptic flood You are a sexual samuraiShogun of the orgasmicOur dance is ecstaticOur chemistry tantric We craft a sacred armyForming phalanxes of liberationWe are animated by revelationBy the salvation of imagination Leather amplifies […]


You cleave with your swordYou conspire with your wordYou inspire with desireFor sacred songs to be heard My heart is enrapturedCaptured by your fireIn your eyes I see nascent nebulaeBeginning to writhe and arise You are a samurai of the diasporaA hybrid warrior childYour passions grow wildEnveloping hearts and minds […]


You breathe tantric fireSeismic erotic fireOverpowering me with desireSeducing my mind as we conspire The dance floor is litYou groove and grind with ferocious intensity You are no man’s fetishYou are a potent Sex DragonFulcrum for the power of the Asian diasporaChanneling seductive pulsation and palpitation You animate and elevateThe […]