Friendships are born of loveThey are also born of conflict Your closest people are never yes menYour inner tribe will challenge youHolding you accountableAffirming alignment and integrity There are sometimes fierce conversationsYour ride or die posse will come backProcessing painful feelingsMoving from rupture to repair We are empowered by emotionsQuantum […]
My god lives in my gratitudeIn faith in familyThrough trust in friendsEmbodied in diligence in recovery Our spiritual growthEssentialBut painfulShedding the shell of egoWelcoming humility My god speaks with intentionManifesting compassionAmplifying creativity We conjure tapestries of meaningWoven of our vulnerabilitiesSacred presence churning withinDivine lessons fueling ecstasy My god lives in […]
Until we need it mostWe often do not know how blessed we are I could easily have been killed on January 2, 2025Four young men demanded my winter coat I refusedThey pummelled my head relentlesslyI felt teeth crack I relentedGiving them my Moose Knuckle parkaThey took my coat and bagDriving […]
I want to writeWe just welcomed the new yearI feel this fierce urge to writeYet I don’t know if this is really a poemI don’t know if I want anyone else to read it I ponder alignmentI meditate on integrityNoticing my tendency to conflate emotionsIlluminating my proclivity to sexualize […]
You manifest magicYour eyes orgasmicYour energy emphaticMy mind ecstatic You evolve in all directionsThis microcosm expandsThe small mirrors the wholeRealizing sacred plans Your sex appeal effortlessYour body sleek and sinuousYour magnetism electricYou are a fractal of the tantric I write amidst maniaFinding grounding in your visageMy spiritual roots become […]
I met youIn the building we shareYou were talking about decolonizing astrologyA glimpse of your mindAs you exited the elevator My spirit was entrancedMagnetically attractedIntoxicated by the promise of insightThus our journey began It has been about six monthsThis prophetic practiceA modality you have branded alignment coaching Integrating the […]
I have been in deepSubmerged in manic watersDrowning in inspirationFlooded with frenzied ideas I sink into deep purposeOur pulsating calling in this lifeMania is more than ecstasyIt is a portal to the soul I shed tears of griefEnsnared by a din of inner voicesI choose to feel the painMy […]
Manic energy flowsBurning like lavaI imagine immortalityI capture nirvana We tread this pathWe pave a roadAmplifying neurodivergenceLiving in creative flow I share my storyI offer these toolsYou teach me reciprocallyAs the sun fuels the moon I think about spiritYou are my twin flameIlluminating my shadowBranding walls with your name […]
Tantric lineageFlowing insideOne with this awakeningI guide fire with my mind Third eye openI see toruses of lightThis matrix of liberationOur cult of the night Attention moves energyI feel my frontal lobeThird eye activatesAmplifying what I know Our rites of fireThis psychic volcanoEnergy like magmaBurning in flow I foresee the […]
I write by my fireEmbers burn and glowI search for prophecyVolcanic testament in flow Oracle of DelphiPythia of mythologyPriestess of ApolloCrafting anarchist anthropology This is the season of lionsgateA galactic alignmentI summon this divinationThis sacred inquiry This labyrinth of meaningSpeaks to our noble purposeThese cards suggest parablesNarratives to affirm us […]
Our fates ruled by planetsEmotions ruled by tidesMoonfire burns withinMoonfire fuels our minds This cosmic pulsationRewiring imaginationInviting liberationConjuring salvation Our sacred paths alignImmersed in waters of recoveryThe moon is strong hereLunations reconfigure destiny The light of our sun reflectedThese nocturnal reverberationsMoonfire captivatesProjecting supernatural illumination\ Our spirits soar togetherSeeking trenchant […]
I worship spiritGazing at my fire altarI am transformingI am evolving Integrating new insightsI work to releaseTo let go of shadowsPatterns that longer serve me I see my birth chart in new lightLibra energy calls for balanceTo pause with intentionBefore a response Maintain balanceStrive not to project my shadowFortify porous […]
I write at dawnUnder this waning full moonTides of emotion in these cardsHybrid energy fills the room I called forth this readingSeeking connection and directionSummoning power for this projectInviting alchemy and inception I explore this hybrid divinationThis conversation between oracle and tarotI let the wisdom of the cards speakInviting them […]
Words fail to describeThis manic energy we feelStepping off of that busEnraptured by the gravity of Gotham This is New York CityA mania-inducing metropolisIts rhythm potent and virileIts demons ghostly and feral This feeling ecstatic and restlessThis fervent euphoric dysturbiaI feel powerless to tame this energyBurning with carnal cosmic […]
Your manic eyesOur manic mindsEvolving geniusPsychotic disguise We throb and danceRhythm deep withinThese sparks againArising for the win Inspiring insightManifesting foresightTectonic alchemyCreating spiritual reality Your eyes are magicYour kaleidoscope of colorReflecting intensityConjuring prophecy and destiny I love you like no otherMy protege and spirit brotherWe are architects of a new […]
This poem has been germinatingGestating in a sacred chrysalisIntegrating penetrating insightsYour dance converging with mine You read these tarot cardsSeeing currents of transformationWitnessing my spiritCounseling detachment from outcomes This current is wiseThese waters intelligentI must be conduit, not egoHierophant to sacred power You saw my porous boundariesUrging greater discernmentMore exacting […]
Tonight I seek guidanceI yearn to knowTo see where I endTo know where you begin I strive to guide youNavigating manic wavesI seek our emergent oracleSacred wisdomAmidst this psychic storm You are my manic angelMy creative protegeMy spirit brotherMy beloved friend Your genius evolvingYour energy manifesting prophecyA prism of […]
I am a lonely soulHeartbeat slow and coldIn my rejection I am aloneToxic fear holds the throne We write by this fireSpirit dissatisfied and wearyFear is dualityBoth captor and protector I fear my desiresAshamed of this lustMy passion is torturedDreams become dust This part that keeps us safeAlso keeps […]
This is a firestormA geomagnetic conflagrationPermeating the atmosphereStimulating imagination Hearts beat in unisonHeeding rhythms deep insideLinking our psychesUnchaining our minds Our people soar highWe also crash lowTendencies accentuatedBy geomagnetic flow The energy orgasmicThe alchemy dynamicAnimating astrologyAccessing the tantric This pulse of solar powerExaggerating extremesOpening portals of consciousnessRealizing transcendent dreams We […]
Her lovely essence Her beautiful flower Leaves me speechless Left in awe The power of femininity The majesty of womanhood Grasping my psyche Leaving me wanting more I can’t resist I crave it This supernatural seduction Riptides of sinuous femininity Rising like Aphrodite Goddess of my […]
You were in the world but not of itYou told of awful thingsYou created from a cradle of painA dad sized cavity in your spirit What if I could have been your friend?Helping you set boundariesCould you have escaped tragedyThe scourge of fentanylClaiming your life You saw the toxicity of […]
I am hereI should have died I jumped from Key BridgePlummeting into the Potomac RiverThere was ice in the water I should have diedBut I am here I remember jumpingI remember a torrid confluence of emotion Misery, desperation, disconnection Then I remember salvationA man pulled me from the waterAn ambulance […]
We floss and flexWe rise and grindReinventing timeRealigning our minds We share the work of recoveryI feel this fierce prideLoving you like familyOur connection a sacred fire We are disco nobilityEmpowered by virilityDancing with destinyEmbodying artistry Armed with fur and vinylMy pulse acceleratesDressed to killWhat we imagine is real You […]
Your energy magneticYour mind electricThis pulse of transformationA manifesto prophetic I follow your pathI worship your craftImagination gestatesArming our empaths Your sex presence pulsatesYour eyes illuminateYour body sinuousThis fire reverberates I imagine our connectionI imagine resurrectionReintegrating perceptionCrafting erotic insurrection You are an architect of destinyMagician of the psycheParagon of humilityProphetic […]
Connecting with you is like fireGenerativePowerful and movingPulsating with Platonic attractionRemembering what it feels like for a boy We live as menDisconnected from our feelingsDisembodiedEnslaved by subterranean emotions We cover our fear with angerWe ignore deeply rooted shameHiding our insecurities behind performative facades Repressing our desire for transcendent loveRepressing our […]
It is excruciatingly lateAnd I need to sleepBut I also need to write I need to processDissecting this confluence of emotionLiving in a moment of historic proportionsFlirting with the precipice of barbarismAn apocalyptic age of mass destruction I am torn between worldsDeluged by diametrically opposed positionsOut of alignment with much […]