641 posts

ARSENAL: a study in urban hieroglyphics

AGIT PROP street art HITS THE MIND hits the heart write it down MAKE IT POP make it rhyme MAKE IT ART I PAINT because i am LOVE AND HATE fast friends rockstar DO IT RIGHT went too far LOST THE NIGHT NEOLITHIC pancreatic SO PRODUCTIVE and emphatic hieroglyphics DEEPLY […]


solitude and loneliness make me miss raw happiness angels and demons blood spit and semen pirates and conquistadors show me what pain is for digging in but holding on trying hard but being wrong its a song not a sin lots of gin with oxygen dialectic catalytic preorgasmic analytic cold […]


In the beginning was the word And the word was death Or maybe life or death to all life And ADAMA was born Toy soldier of divine clay Neither man nor woman just fine in its way ADAMA was cleaved in two by fire Lightning strike from Zeus on high […]


queremos la justicia no la poli-migra gritamos si se puede dicen no se pudo nuestras historias son nuestras victorias el poder de l’amor es mas que lo de odio queremos la justicia nos dan arizona queremos la reforma justa y humana su idea de reforma se abusa la idioma raices […]


born from rubble carved in steel revolution is for real ground to powder grown in dirt copulation shouldn’t hurt red mafia rising night and day scoping out the cia flying high and burning bright BANKSYSTYLE we rule the night socialist or anarchist flip your wrist and raise your fist black […]

BANKSYSTYLE: Monster Family Anthem

gaga’s back rollin hard takin’ names takin’ charge rollin deep monster family spreading love losing sleep born this way queer power seize the day milk the hour love and rage guilt and shame make me cry scream my name bypo’s rollin’ banksy style taggin’ walls crackin’ files street army underground […]


a hundred cruise missiles launched today 1 million each- made in the USA the ghosts of those dead in the war on Iraq turn in their graves- show us their backs how better to mark the anniversary of war than by starting another and bombing Libya this is not about […]


sycophantic miscreants oligarchic porno pimps running wild and flying free gentrifying the DMV developers run this town politicians sell us out wasting public property selling out the DMV corruption reeks in the wilson building seeping through and all consuming the people’s voices drowned by millions raised to keep the racket […]

Contending with Grey

i feel grey creeping in again melancholy next of kin solitude breeding sin isolation sinking in i long for something visceral to rouse my pulse and shake my skull to give me something new to say respite to pain so dull and grey the world feels bleak and devestating my […]


I’m a dirty little freak I’ll meet you on the street Go home to your place And you’ll taste me for a week I’ll go down on your floor I’ll rock you to the core Bust out before dawn Leave you screaming wanting more We’re dirty little freaks we make […]


emancipate your primal hate give in to love and make a break flash your eyes and bare your teeth monster beats are sheathed beneath polluted skies and broken streets juxtapose this fantasy with creeping pop reality raise a flag and take the streets remind yourself of power unleashed but keep […]


bypo’s rollin’ psychotropic bombed that wall before you noticed raise your fist and keep it focused hit the streets and roll like roaches street art flying cyber-wired scarred barbed and crudely filed press on nails branded black spray paint bombed on cyber-blast hitting streets and rolling deep showing love and […]


Dirty streets strewn with broken glass Hydrants spewing hydra’s ash Hurrying along and walking past Homeless vets on cyberblast Armor up trying not to care But sucked in by this woman’s stare I dig deep and try to share Change that is my metro fare A city ruled by sycophants […]


You are in deep I can’t shake you You have power You probably don’t even want I rise and fall To the erratic rhythm Of your exhalation An absent glance Sends shivers of pain Racing through my veins Nerves taut I try to breathe And let go But the roots […]


I imagine now That hitting something Or someone Would be an immense relief Anger courses through my mind Exploding irrationally Over perceived acts of inconsideration I imagine blood Probably my own Demanding a response I wonder if hospitalization Would bring relief Or at least concern These emotions are toxic And […]


Its as easy To abuse a person As to abuse a substance To become addicted To a particular prism Through which to view oneself I breathe deeply And try to let go Of the compulsion I feel To connect incessantly And learn to carve independent space For my own thoughts […]


Not knowing how you are But fearing the worst I am paralyzed by ghosts of past tragedies Anger, guilt, and shame are toxic emotions Constricting breath and repelling human contact I pray to any spirit that will listen For your safety As I write I feel the threat of tears […]


To write again is a struggle A struggle to give voice to months Entombed in passivity Lacerated by loneliness Bored to tears by the endless drumming rhythm Of isolation Awakened again I hear angels inside Quickening the blood Recharging adrenaline Reemerging to find friends eager to embrace A revived personality […]

Reflections on Lost Time

Psychic pain consumes my brain Haunting caustic always the same Rhythms change but grey remains The color cloaking blood and veins Walking wounded I’m ashamed Of all the things I’ve done in vain Of all the promise laid to waste Of foolish dreams I wish erased Flying high I fell […]


accepting rejection dissecting connection i seek absolution but crave affection alone in a jail cell trapped in a living hell pain my new master learning rules faster limiting creativity haunted by divinity battered by humility ready to live simply humiliated by reality shocked by my capacity still seeking evolution but […]


Drums beat bodies writhe Strobe lights seduce the eyes Teeth grind lips defy Controlling egos undermined Bass drives treble flies Little monsters dip and dive Boys strip grown men cry Drag queen divas rule the night Crafty hooks are cyber-wired Churning souls and touching skies Emotions soar as vocals rise […]


Night fills my veins Brain flies rewired Bordering insane Neurons flash untired Praying for creation Hastening evolution Beseeching elation Dreaming of revolution Blood flows recharged Eyes blink unthinking Going out and going hard Frontal lobe resynching Hypomanic flying high Dopamine on overdrive Emphatically mesmerized Painfully addicted… To being more than […]


We rule the night Armed with paint Taking walls-scrawling names Plant a flag-say your piece Make it rhyme-make it deep Keep it real-RESPECT the street Cops on the hunt rolling deep Repressing speech suppressing peace Defending the sacred sanctity Of bourgeois private property Upset the cart-rise and fly Empires fall […]

A Short History of Racism

Dehumanizing African lives Rationalizing genocide Embodied in-law-enshrined in rites Consuming a nation riddled in lies It lives in every cop car Writhes on every cell block Seeps through Obama’s door Decimates Iraqi lives Animates the tea party Brain-dead proto-fascists Armed with three bad ideas But too shameless not to talk […]


gentrified-cannabalized dc cries as fenty writhes soaked in shit and wet with lies oligarchy lives to die neoliberal parasites developers should pay a price stop raping public property stop neoliberal slavery graham’s a crook-he’s going down psychofrantic toxic clown loza’s back the pornopimp pseudoking of immigrants telling folks to get […]


We were adolescent friends Armed with pubescent bravado Always joking—always smiling The girls always liked you So I thought you must have been happy Years later on the platform I saw you Beautiful body teeming in prep school apparel You held my gaze a little too long But I thought […]