Prologue: Displacement has a long history on this groundNacotchtank: the Piscataway people’s name for this landDescribing the convergence of rivers and its peopleThis park was a Black cemeteryPowerful abolitionists lie interred hereWe imagine a legacySeeds of contemporary resistanceSowed by generations long past Act I: A History of Segregation […]
raices inmigrantes
These men of beautyIlluminated in vulnerabilityLips fullEyes radiantChurning with passionWith karmic intensity Faces framed by flowersColors lush and vibrantRedefining masculinityManifesting the alchemy of queer identity These vibrant paintingsCrafted with exquisite careOffering insight and perspectiveProphetic manifestationsConjuring the synergy of liberation Flowers of joyFlowers of vulnerabilityFlowers of magic and epic […]
spirits of life—angels of death hermanas y hermanos—give me your breath we traverse the earth—we search high and low we seek karmic rebirth—buscamos el cielo espiritus santos—cosmic incisions we strive for solidarity—we name our own missions dia de los muertos—day of the dead we honor the memories of ancestors living […]
its indictment monday and heads are rolling its a perp walk of the privileged and our resistance is growing we are fighting for regime change here at home we are fighting for a future that justice and karma will condone manafort is going down—flynn was booted out in disgrace but […]
flying high on dopamine i see visions in the sky hieroglyphics everywhere seducing my mind late at night when i close my eyes i see wormholes to distant galaxies we must resist the pathologization of our tribe’s neurodiversity i dream in staccato rhythms–refueling energy for the day ahead i am […]
so now the bigot-in-chief claims a mandate after seizing the presidency based on an archaic constitution designed to defend human bondage and some of our leading liberal lights now counsel patience besieged but highly paid labor leaders pledge to work with the billionaire maverick on trade but it is too […]
queremos la justicia no la poli-migra gritamos si se puede dicen no se pudo nuestras historias son nuestras victorias el poder de l’amor es mas que lo de odio queremos la justicia nos dan arizona queremos la reforma justa y humana su idea de reforma se abusa la idioma raices […]
queremos la justicia no la poli-migra gritamos si se puede dicen no se pudo nuestras historias son nuestras victorias el poder de l’amor es mas que lo de odio queremos la justicia nos dan arizona queremos la reforma justa y humana su idea de reforma se abusa la idioma raices […]