
6 posts


  I don’t know you But I love you like I do Bewitching enigma Joyous tears a cosmic truth   You master the elements Weaving emotional narrative Your prophecy resonant Your melodies mysterious   Frank Ocean the genius Hierophant and magician Synthesizing sonic currents Uprooting bad religion   Captivating storytelling […]


  I write at dawn Under this waning full moon Tides of emotion in these cards Hybrid energy fills the room   I called forth this reading Seeking connection and direction Summoning power for this project Inviting alchemy and inception   I explore this hybrid divination This conversation between oracle […]

RED LINE: reflections on resistance to genocide

Genocide in any age is horrifying…for painful months, my outrage has burned–but I had not found time to do more than share posts or talk about the issue in my communities…    On Saturday, June 8th, I was proud to take to the streets… our mobilization attempted to surround the […]


  This poem has been germinating Gestating in a sacred chrysalis Integrating penetrating insights Your dance converging with mine   You read these tarot cards Seeing currents of transformation Witnessing my spirit Counseling detachment from outcomes   This current is wise These waters intelligent I must be conduit, not ego […]


You are my protege My sponsee and my friend Absorbing your magnetic chemistry I feel fierce pride   We are a zeitgeist Evolving a lineage Crafting sacred lore Conspiring to amplify joy   We decolonize psychiatry Fusing divergent traditions Merging shamanic wisdom With psychotropic precision   We balance one another […]


  This fire is erotic These flames hypnotic I am one with burning vapors This inferno syntonic   I redefine sensuality Discovering tantric truth Aligning with the moon in Scorpio Emotional prophecy renewed   I evolve imagination Tasting liberation Lurid images becoming artistry Molding erotic salvation   This is my […]