emergent strategy

162 posts

GESTATION: diary of a shadow worker

I want to write about who I am becoming—and about what I am leaving behind…I want to write about the web we are weaving to save the air we are breathing with the power of our minds…I am a shadow worker in gestation—seeing the cracks through which liberation comes…pouring libations […]


so its official—we are now the epicenter of this global pandemic…and we aren’t yet managing to even test everyone with symptoms…this is all likely to get exponentially worse before it gets any better—leaders of color have plowed the ground building networks for mutual aid and resistance—prefiguring the faintly visible outlines […]


living in luminous sobriety is its own sacred high–we must craft a healing revolution to sanctify our hearts and minds…the oxygen, dopamine, and adrenaline make me wild and super fly–i am done being a spice junkie constantly lost in the ebb and flow of time…i saw visceral visions as i […]


we write in code, with data entombed, in tunnels of platinum and tunnels of gold…my river remolds the depths of your soul, conjuring a sacred passion that grows hot and bold…this cypher we craft conjures cylon futures, where the contours of AI will meld with our nature—this arabic script describes […]


this cerebral vortex invades my cortex–seducing my mind with luscious mortals…your body and mind send me into orbit–making me long for a vision of what might come next…rising phoenix: so monster queer–you lacerate the binaries patriarchy holds dear…our rebel armies converge from far and near–we burn potent magical fires to […]


pleasure is so DAMN powerful…it arms us to sustain ourselves in resilience and to resist acquiescing to systemic oppression–we aspire to liberation and seek truth in divine lessons…we aspire to build fortresses of healing across our polarized nation…when i see a body, mind, and spirit to lust for, all of […]