rebels arise from every corner of our country demanding justice for immigrants decrying hate and bigotry amidst this kaleidoscope of resistance we must create space to strategize find time to dig deeper find new ways to organize too many on the left view dc as a stage a place for […]
Empire and Imperialism
amidst the specter of apocalypse–resistance is seething people are moving–the planet is breathing prophets of old meet prophets of rage flames of rebellion challenge forces of hate abrahamic creeds meet koranic texts addicting us to speed–hypnotized by breath the stakes are ferociously high–our place on earth is at stake we […]
chronic crisis psychic pain freedom crushed bound and chained class war armageddon mass extinction mass deception screams of rage omnipresent lords of power never listen age of bourgeois decadence age of hi-tech barbarism cyber drones unleashed and fanged killing fields bathed in blood war on terror – unending mirage imperial […]
Blood for blood Eye for eye Bin laden wanted Dead or alive White boys at the white house Waving flags and singing loud Revenge killing – assasination Spurs barbaric celebration Flags fly while soldiers die Widows, mothers grieve and cry Obama cheered for war crimes Nobel prize soaked in lies […]
jesus cristo son of god carpenter boy skin of bronze comrade to the poor walked with whores born this way baby a monster prophet adored palestinian rebel against roman occupation anarchist devil agent of liberation sword of revolution in jewish hands semitic roots submerged in arab land intifadic crusader jihadic […]
memoria y resistencia luchando por la justicia evitando los ejercitos entreniando por los fascistas poder no escucha a los que no estan gritando poder no escucha a los que no estan marchando escuela de asesinos barbarianos y fascistas escuela de las americas pero solo por los con riquesas estamos exigiendo […]
In the beginning was the word And the word was death Or maybe life or death to all life And ADAMA was born Toy soldier of divine clay Neither man nor woman just fine in its way ADAMA was cleaved in two by fire Lightning strike from Zeus on high […]
a hundred cruise missiles launched today 1 million each- made in the USA the ghosts of those dead in the war on Iraq turn in their graves- show us their backs how better to mark the anniversary of war than by starting another and bombing Libya this is not about […]