This is a pivotal election. We are going to the polls to choose a president amidst global outcry over genocide in Palestine. Wide layers of activists and radicals, Arabs and Muslims, and many more are utterly disgusted by this horrifying status quo. I get it. Its hard to […]
Empire and Imperialism
Manic energy flowsBurning like lavaI imagine immortalityI capture nirvana We tread this pathWe pave a roadAmplifying neurodivergenceLiving in creative flow I share my storyI offer these toolsYou teach me reciprocallyAs the sun fuels the moon I think about spiritYou are my twin flameIlluminating my shadowBranding walls with your name […]
Genocide in any age is horrifying…for painful months, my outrage has burned–but I had not found time to do more than share posts or talk about the issue in my communities… On Saturday, June 8th, I was proud to take to the streets… our mobilization attempted to surround the White […]
It is excruciatingly lateAnd I need to sleepBut I also need to write I need to processDissecting this confluence of emotionLiving in a moment of historic proportionsFlirting with the precipice of barbarismAn apocalyptic age of mass destruction I am torn between worldsDeluged by diametrically opposed positionsOut of alignment with much […]
You were a pillar of my lifeFor more than twelve yearsI swam in your watersGuided by a prophetic light Your conviction was contagiousYour energy visceralYour power of persuasion electric and magnetic Now that you have passedI feel a painful absenceAching like an excised limbThis transformative project of ours unfinished I […]
You spin hard houseVibrating the club floorCyberpunk to the coreOur drug of choice is more I seek the fire of recoveryThe sacred power of discoveryPotent flames ignite my memoryReimagining collective destiny We seek subterranean rhythms Rhythmic throbs of revolutionThis magnum anthem burnsIt is a viscous karmic solution I feel your tantric […]
You are wired with the fire of leatherMagnifying desire with the rhythms of pleasureVisceral synergy brings our worlds togetherProjecting electricity too potent to measure Manifesting as Hephaestus you forge volcanicCrafting sacred talismans—reimagining the orgasmicGrinding to leather anthems both raw and ecstaticTransforming my spirit with your tantalizing magic Our erotic flair […]
You are radiantErotic energy amplified by leatherFaith in a higher powerAligned with desire I could never believe in a godWho doesn’t sanctify consensual pleasureI cannot be guided by a religionThat demands that I suppress who I am You have described your journeyGrappling with queer identityReconciling this inner truth\With the strictures […]
You engage all of my sensesSenses yet to be discoveredYou elevate and animateTransgressive beauty like no other You are levitationYou are erotic detonationYou activate liberationCleansing this toxic nation I believe in youI believe in your spiritYour body is enticingInviting tantric understanding This is a profound faithA conviction in your callingKarmic […]
Shadows reverberate across this waterReminding me of your tantric armorInspiring meRewiring meInviting me to trust you further Leather pulsating with sex appealUnearthing truths to be revealedReleasing controlEnticing my soulArousing passion I cannot conceal We celebrate the power of blacknessWe share love and joy as we rise and resistUprooting oppressionInvoking resurrectionTantric […]
You grind like a monsterYou move like a kingYou feed me and heal meYou inspire me to think I feel my psycheI feel it meld with yoursI feel this fire burnI crave your erotic pulse Savage intensityEmbodied by prophetic tattoosYour ink tells a storyIn sigils and vivid hues Thirst for […]
Scattershot photo-opsGrip my mindPierce my heart Black beauty and faith rise transcendentRivers of injustice are never-ending Light and shadow interweaveCrafting a sacred tapestryTattoos writhe with tantric energyProjecting emphatic ecstasyProjecting prophetic potency Pain and joyHope and prideManifesting before my vulnerable eyes Flood and fireLove and rageWrithing against historic psychic chains We […]
This poem is inspired by the painting ‘Fighting Monsters’ by Christopher G. Kempton Our world is on fireAnd we are mortified Watching this lethal dance with apocalypse Red and blackMarks of warSplattered paintMarking Ares’ door Our world is on a precipiceA portal to barbarismBeyond all we remember Monsters of hubrisMonsters […]
In a world at warWe need infinite graceWe must sustain our faithThat this system can be replace In this intricate danceI see beauty and prideWe conjure a kaleidoscopeIlluminating deep inside Arms exquisite and interlockedLegs powerfully flexedEvoke my adorationCommanding boundless respect We pray for our planetWe pray for a just peaceWe […]
You take the stage with fire and technicolor flairYour body conducts tantric energy leaving the boys to stop and stareWe sync up our psychic powers inspiring our neurons to become self-awareI imagine a hard house dance floor where you stomp and grind through neon glare You conjure visions of possibility […]
The river black and matte like rubber urges me to think of the pastOceans of crime and centuries of grime dismembered by our magic at last Nations of Black bodies ensnared by other AfricansSold as chattel to avaricious conquistadors and mercantilistsThe river bleeds red in memory of this holocaust This […]
Fractals of energy surge through your armorYou are ninja erotic—you are agents of karmaFrom our diasporas we conjure an anti-colonial madonnaWe emulate the buddha seeking sacred dharma Your bodies are chiseled like samurai statuesYour sex presence sizzles as sin melds with virtueWe need communities of allies who we trust and […]
A storm is coming together—a storm of emancipationWe will break the interlocking chains of oppression and exploitationYou lend your oceanic power to this atmospheric reverberationFrom frigid deep blue depths arises an armada of liberation Your energy is supersonic—hypnotic and eroticYour torso summons a force both seismic and tectonicThis system is […]
Your body is etched like sacred stoneinspiring transpiring but never aloneour arms embrace i hold you closeangels arise from the ashes as ancestral ghosts You focus your psyche on the quest for connectionyou are a pyromuse and my queer resurrectionyou edit digitized signals with your potent intuitionI amplify your mind […]
You inspire me and rewire me with the subtle chemistry of your artistryYou are a muse and co-conspirator in the project of making revolution sexy I see you and I think of all of the moments since we first met in the wake of the looming proto-fascist fiascoThese have been […]
Lips combine while souls rewirePleasure molds a sacred pyreTantric power deep insideWrithes and climbs right up the spine Leather bound and heaven sentThis triptych manifests as sacramentThe sacred dance of beautiful menErotic power fused with manic zen We celebrate bodies in every shape and sizeThe spiritual power of liberation is […]
we are barricade freaks rocking prada in the streetwe style our rage in platinum shades shining strong and rolling deep the sacred healing we seek amplifies our quest for psychic peaceour erotic tectonics seduce the commanders of our dreadnought fleet as barricade freaks we charge ferociously into the streetswe dodge […]
before we had a globalized system, we had globalized energy:fires of wood or wax to which we made sacred offerings of rare shells, silver, or gold before we had a world economy or planetary pandemics, we drew life and sustenance from the same sun and moon we saw our […]
for millennia our species has lived on this earth always molded by the conditions into which we were birthed we have lived as hunter-gatherers, as serfs, and as slaves we have paid homage to haughty kings burried in titanic holy graves our system has been ripe for transformation for more […]
its indictment monday and heads are rolling its a perp walk of the privileged and our resistance is growing we are fighting for regime change here at home we are fighting for a future that justice and karma will condone manafort is going down—flynn was booted out in disgrace but […]
infinitesimal but potent they control our minds training nerves and synapses to fire deep inside a toxic virus has arisen laced with systemic crime distorting our collaborative nature and reenacting the lord of the flies we are ruled by heartless robber barons—skilled only in legalized theft their souls are sickly […]