My god lives in my gratitudeIn faith in familyThrough trust in friendsEmbodied in diligence in recovery Our spiritual growthEssentialBut painfulShedding the shell of egoWelcoming humility My god speaks with intentionManifesting compassionAmplifying creativity We conjure tapestries of meaningWoven of our vulnerabilitiesSacred presence churning withinDivine lessons fueling ecstasy My god lives in […]
tantric underground
You manifest magicYour eyes orgasmicYour energy emphaticMy mind ecstatic You evolve in all directionsThis microcosm expandsThe small mirrors the wholeRealizing sacred plans Your sex appeal effortlessYour body sleek and sinuousYour magnetism electricYou are a fractal of the tantric I write amidst maniaFinding grounding in your visageMy spiritual roots become […]
Hellscape or futurescapeOur collective fate on a precipice What awaits?Ensuing barbaric milleniaEnchained as slaves to avariceThis tyranny of base and primitive instinctsOur legacy of civilization perilous Technology can build our powerA tool of progress and liberationOr it can be our deathSacrificing humanityLacerated at the altar of profit Do […]
Tantric lineageFlowing insideOne with this awakeningI guide fire with my mind Third eye openI see toruses of lightThis matrix of liberationOur cult of the night Attention moves energyI feel my frontal lobeThird eye activatesAmplifying what I know Our rites of fireThis psychic volcanoEnergy like magmaBurning in flow I foresee the […]
I write by my fireEmbers burn and glowI search for prophecyVolcanic testament in flow Oracle of DelphiPythia of mythologyPriestess of ApolloCrafting anarchist anthropology This is the season of lionsgateA galactic alignmentI summon this divinationThis sacred inquiry This labyrinth of meaningSpeaks to our noble purposeThese cards suggest parablesNarratives to affirm us […]
I worship spiritGazing at my fire altarI am transformingI am evolving Integrating new insightsI work to releaseTo let go of shadowsPatterns that longer serve me I see my birth chart in new lightLibra energy calls for balanceTo pause with intentionBefore a response Maintain balanceStrive not to project my shadowFortify porous […]
I write at dawnUnder this waning full moonTides of emotion in these cardsHybrid energy fills the room I called forth this readingSeeking connection and directionSummoning power for this projectInviting alchemy and inception I explore this hybrid divinationThis conversation between oracle and tarotI let the wisdom of the cards speakInviting them […]
Your allure irresistibleMagnetic and transfixingEnergy translucentVisceral and entrancing Our hearts in your handsYour presence grips our mindsYour epic viscous beautyYour psychic inner fire Your craft so versatileTantric eye candyEmpowering femininityExuding sexual electricity Your eyes scintillateSilencing the roomOur pulsating desireOur energies attuned You are a fierce enchantressA blinding vixen of […]
This poem has been germinatingGestating in a sacred chrysalisIntegrating penetrating insightsYour dance converging with mine You read these tarot cardsSeeing currents of transformationWitnessing my spiritCounseling detachment from outcomes This current is wiseThese waters intelligentI must be conduit, not egoHierophant to sacred power You saw my porous boundariesUrging greater discernmentMore exacting […]
i I have seen three filmsThree prisms for the psycheYour eye impeccableAccessing the emotional subterranean Your latest work incisiveExploring tennis as metaphorTennis as a relationshipAmbition and driveCalculation and manipulation In your eyeTime is a vortexTime is collapsedEmotional memories juxtaposedManifest in exquisite cinematography Each of these charactersRich and deepYour eye accessing […]
You are my protegeMy sponsee and my friendAbsorbing your magnetic chemistryI feel fierce pride We are a zeitgeistEvolving a lineageCrafting sacred loreConspiring to amplify joy We decolonize psychiatryFusing divergent traditionsMerging shamanic wisdomWith psychotropic precision We balance one anotherStabilizing our ships through stormHitting the club floorOur energy pulsatingReverberating in this kaleidoscope […]
This fire is eroticThese flames hypnoticI am one with burning vaporsThis inferno syntonic I redefine sensualityDiscovering tantric truthAligning with the moon in ScorpioEmotional prophecy renewed I evolve imaginationTasting liberationLurid images becoming artistryMolding erotic salvation This is my sacred cultThis synergy of viscous fuelsKundalini moves my spineErotic power is alchemy […]
Her lovely essence Her beautiful flower Leaves me speechless Left in awe The power of femininity The majesty of womanhood Grasping my psyche Leaving me wanting more I can’t resist I crave it This supernatural seduction Riptides of sinuous femininity Rising like Aphrodite Goddess of my […]
Emblazoned by colorWe rise and resistWe morph and evolveRaising chainmailed fists We fuck with the binaryWe fuck who we chooseAlchemizing lustNothing to lose You inspire my spiritYou inspire my mindWe manifest prophecyAmplifying desire This pulse of liberationThis fire deep insideQueering imaginationQueering our pride From the embers of StonewallA queer phoenix […]
Your energy magneticYour mind electricThis pulse of transformationA manifesto prophetic I follow your pathI worship your craftImagination gestatesArming our empaths Your sex presence pulsatesYour eyes illuminateYour body sinuousThis fire reverberates I imagine our connectionI imagine resurrectionReintegrating perceptionCrafting erotic insurrection You are an architect of destinyMagician of the psycheParagon of humilityProphetic […]
Connecting with you is like fireGenerativePowerful and movingPulsating with Platonic attractionRemembering what it feels like for a boy We live as menDisconnected from our feelingsDisembodiedEnslaved by subterranean emotions We cover our fear with angerWe ignore deeply rooted shameHiding our insecurities behind performative facades Repressing our desire for transcendent loveRepressing our […]
I write by my riversI gaze at your faceAnimated by electricityAmplified by grace Your powers cyberkineticYou fuse mind and machineConjuring fantasyLiberating collective dreams Energy floods my cortexThis flood of the eroticOur bodies intertwineOur spirits symbiotic This is quantum physicsWe are photons of lightArising in many dimensionsOur armies rule the night […]
Light and shadowCause and effectOne and the sameWhat comes next I want your curseI want your diseaseThis is sacred medicinePain pleases me We move through timeHurdling through spaceTasting the fifth dimensionExperiencing the spiritual plane I am the singularityA manifestation of the presentA fusion of all dimensionsLiving in the moment I […]
There is this journeyA portal of insight wreathed by fireI find this staffChanneling the magic I require I journey with youCrafting these exquisite momentsMeeting brilliant beings in your worldThis family of liberation you have chosen Druid spirit permeates this staffInfusing aging wood with purposeSustaining this psychic infernoSupporting me religiously—as you […]
Your eyes meet mineYou feel my desireI trust your integrityI trust your inner fire Leather amplifies the eroticConjuring connections embryonicActivating forces tectonicOur spirits pulsating and symbiotic Your body inspires ecstasySinuous and explosiveYour spirit blessed with empathyVibrant lips so emotive I feel archetypes of masculinityI see your inner warriorYour lover in […]
We share a connectionWe share shamanic magicThe duality of the tantricA fierce energy ecstatic You manifest the divineDuality redefinedThe epic power of KaliCreation redesigned You feast on the blood of demonsOssified skulls adorn your waistSacred sigils frame your faceVisceral dark magic permeates Our journey touched by fireRemolding the power of […]
I am fueled by this fireReflecting on lionsgateIntegrating astrological wisdomReimagining our collective fate On the eighth I dreamt deeplyThe earth and sun aligned with SiriusThe feelings were epicEmotions manifesting the sacred Divine wisdom pouring forthActivating shamanic prophecyMutating through this cosmic matrixRecreating divine destiny I feel my powerI see with my […]
I come to my riversI come to writeTo capture these momentsTranscribing this night An hour ago I held you closeFinding an orgasmic kissA taste of carnal fireA taste of sacred bliss Fields of orgasmic energy coalesceStrictures that chain us are transgressedWe share the subtle humor of sexOur spirit bodies pulse […]
Bass drives treble fliesFearsome beats mesmerizeSeductive eyes tantalizeAlchemy consumes my mind You spin tracks touched by fireCaptivating my desireBuilding power rising higherActivating time rewired Your body pulsates with energyReverberating with cosmic chemistrySalacious images inspire meConjuring licentious poetry You are a muse but also a discipleWe build prophecy fierce and righteousCrafting […]
House beats throbYou move with fervent fireYour body armored in leatherPulsating with my desire Illuminated by strobe lightYour body glistens with synergyYou dance joyous vitalityPermeated by potent electricity I write by my riversLight reverberating the water’s surfaceRippling with kinetic energyActivating viscous psychic currents We seek tantric blissCraving the unity of […]
You inspire meSuffusing me in ancient wisdomConnecting me with vitality and loveBlessing me with radiant lunar energyExploring and expanding polyamoryYour love is my precious drug I feel stronger with youI feel rooted in my powerBathed in acceptanceIn your arms I sleep deeplyHeld by your loving energy I want to co-createImagining […]