641 posts


Some things are dangerous to remember Nights flying through streets Lights flashing—sending signals Time slowing—now racing Every corner a new portal Every cluster of people a new stage I played those nights for all they were worth Behind each tinted window I saw a thrill Those manic nights had power […]


What I want Is to hold you To feel your lips Against mine What I feel Is tortured longing Swelling beneath My tired eyes What I need Is to accept The parameters As described But what I want Is to tell you what I feel Deep inside –BYPO c)2009


the facts: housing is a right gentrification is a virus like rats artists rule the night when inspiration finds us   –BYPO c)2010


emphatic euphoric erotic adore it love is melodic give in and go for it BYPO c2010 EVOLVE or Die Trying


Sometimes when I tell people they don’t get it The response is sometimes like I’ve just announced my favorite color No appreciation of the intense vagaries of mood The wild, productive, but dangerous highs And the grey paralyzing lows There is too much silence I need to break this silence […]


A sea of humanity Taquerias and street food Dance with la zona rosa Cheap drinks, clubs, and dates Nights in the Roma Section That balcony where I smoked So many cheap Camels Mezcal and tequila energizing and enervating Plazas full of beauty and poverty People in rags begging for my […]


Treading on the edge Going up for months Without really going down Wide awake at 5 am Contemplating bold moves Subtle disquiet Longing and loneliness I am testing my chemistry Addicted to dopamine And cigarettes I hope this is honest Truly capturing The peril and pleasure Of angels on the […]


Some things are dangerous to remember Nights flying through streets Lights flashing—sending signals Time slowing—now racing Every corner a new portal Every cluster of people a new stage I played those nights for all they were worth Behind each tinted window I saw a thrill Those manic nights had power […]


Its as easy To abuse a person As to abuse a substance To become addicted To a particular prism Through which to view oneself I breathe deeply And try to let go Of the compulsion I feel To connect incessantly And learn to carve independent space For my own thoughts […]


the fox is guarding the hen house and bp is fixing the oil spill a toxic game of cat and mouse big oil wants to save its well obama’s talking tough cuz folks are mad as hell but words just aren’t enough hypocrisy has a noxious smell we pay with […]

MONSTA MARX REMIX: the Hybrid Architecture of the GAGA Revolution

juh-juh JUST DANCE to pulsating pokerface rhythms in a TRANCE pink lips on the dealer’s ceiling with alejandro’s lil’ monster da dit-dit-DANCING in the dark flung far and going HARD fanon foucault mieville and marx reading parts and taking charge thinking big but drinking hard post-industrial DECAY ruins the family […]


da-dun-dun-da SHOW ME LOVE ba-dumpadum-pa UP ABOVE SHOW ME GRACE (deface-replace) give me hugs and toxic drugs da dit-dit-DANCING never enough in the DARK (be my thug) MONSTA’s here Never fear in-in-INTIFADA in your ear BYPO c2010 EVOLVE or Die Trying REVOLT or Live Lying


LOVE and RAGE GUILT and SHAME make me CRY SCREAM my NAME trust is a WEAPON when LOVE is a GAME RAGE is a MONSTER too TOXIC to TAME BYPO c2010 Evolve–Or Die Trying

MEMORIA: A Tribute to the Life of Gloria Cobbs

stop to pray stop and stare pain can teach or destroy night and day love and rage rule the streets fill a void six feet deep a body laid grief runs wild children play set love free this sacred day make a choice to change your ways friendship bleeds love […]

URBAN HIEROGLYPHICS– a poetic collage

agitprop street art hits the mind hits the heart write it down make it pop make it rhyme make it art i write because i am love and hate fast friends rockstar do it right go too far rule the night neolithic pancreatic so seductive and emphatic hieroglyphics deeply rooted […]


juh-juh JUST DANCE to pulsating pokerface rhythms in a TRANCE pink lips on the dealer’s ceiling with alejandro’s lil monster da dit-dit-DANCING in the dark never far and going HARD leaving money honey in your mouth and dangerous LOVING in gaga’s monsta house playing ta-tit-tit TELEPHONE with dirty rich bones […]