The river black and matte like rubber urges me to think of the pastOceans of crime and centuries of grime dismembered by our magic at last Nations of Black bodies ensnared by other AfricansSold as chattel to avaricious conquistadors and mercantilistsThe river bleeds red in memory of this holocaust This […]
criminal injustice
Waves of sex presence conjure a potent erotic solutionYou emerge from this sea of sentience yearning for revolutionWe resist the gravity of passivity—the mirage of this system’s illusionsThe kinetic storm connecting sea and clouds eradicates confusion You transform and rewire the matrix of desireThe surface tension of the water is […]
we are barricade freaks rocking prada in the streetwe style our rage in platinum shades shining strong and rolling deep the sacred healing we seek amplifies our quest for psychic peaceour erotic tectonics seduce the commanders of our dreadnought fleet as barricade freaks we charge ferociously into the streetswe dodge […]
so its official—we are now the epicenter of this global pandemicand we aren’t yet managing to even test everyone with symptomsthis is all likely to get exponentially worse before it gets any betterleaders of color have plowed the ground building networks for mutual aid and resistanceprefiguring the faintly visible outlines […]
good and bad-right and wrong ancient mores transcribed in songs queer and straight–trans and cis we can find common ground as we rise and resist war and peace fused together with orwell’s flair we are living through an age of existential mortal peril with so much myth uproooted and so […]
we are the ones we’ve been waiting for we are a people becoming an army knocking on destiny’s door we aspire to become living gods or at least to become more we throw down to the house beat driving our armored boots into the floor cosmology and astrology conjure reborn […]
its indictment monday and heads are rolling its a perp walk of the privileged and our resistance is growing we are fighting for regime change here at home we are fighting for a future that justice and karma will condone manafort is going down—flynn was booted out in disgrace but […]
infinitesimal but potent they control our minds training nerves and synapses to fire deep inside a toxic virus has arisen laced with systemic crime distorting our collaborative nature and reenacting the lord of the flies we are ruled by heartless robber barons—skilled only in legalized theft their souls are sickly […]
what is the meaning of independence day to the more than two-million incarcerated a day to dance with brutal irony–a day to feel the burn of being isolated some wounds never fully heal–leaving searing pain waiting in the wings some scars send their roots deep–welding mind and body into a […]
accepting rejection dissecting connection i seek absolution but crave affection alone in a jail cell trapped in a living hell pain my new master learning rules faster limiting creativity haunted by divinity battered by humility ready to live simply humiliated by reality shocked by my capacity still seeking evolution but […]