so much ink has been spilled over the past week about the abhorrent resurgence of overtly nazi agitation in charlottesville the taking of a life far too soon the loss of Heather Heyer still so visceral in our hearts it has been a tumultuous week and I am grateful at […]
trans and queer we rise and resist neon colored bolsheviks sex is sacred and love is fly sate your desire and rise up high feminist brigades make the patriarchy quake fuel the fires and barricade the gates we are fighting for a world of total sexual liberation a cause we […]
chemical reaction–a sweet satisfactionorgasmic interaction–its physical attraction we seek all our lives–for ones to love and to fuckwe harbor deep inside–the urge to rim and suck expanding our conceptions of sex and of genderhas left the right apoplectic, fired up, and untethered to my trans sisters and brothers i dedicate […]
rebels arise from every corner of our country demanding justice for immigrants decrying hate and bigotry amidst this kaleidoscope of resistance we must create space to strategize find time to dig deeper find new ways to organize too many on the left view dc as a stage a place for […]
we flex and strut—dropping beats don’t give a fuck—feeling the heat the rebel within comes to light demanding respect—securing relief rockstar renegades we rule the night proclaiming truth under flashing lights worshipping stars—seeking truth holding on—bulletproof our army brands anti-capitalist praxis street art vixens transform ideas into action crafting plans […]
i inhale with intensity the nicotine suffuses my lungs i adore your psychic immensity your love is an intoxicating drug sex is sacred and love is fly i knew i wanted you when you first caught my eye ladies butched up or fierce men in drag we rule the night […]
sacrificial offerings placate the wife of shiva sacred fires fuel the brilliance of our trans and femme divas locked in wax and oil is the power to shed light we need our fires stoked–we need rebels willing to fight a nascient batallion of bypo freaks has evolved the rite of […]
praying for love and praying for peace praising the sun and craving relief we have miscreants in power—sowing seeds of social death we must resist in this crucial hour—fighting with every sinew and every breath its time to exorcise the demons of white supremacy time to heal the historic wounds […]
alcohol and adderall—lines of coke fueling pychotic breaks sex with meth and sex on speed—giving less than i fight to take my bloodstream is soaked in chemicals—prescribed and otherwise the neurons in my brain love to play–psychic synapses open fire the allure of self-medication is potent and profound its so […]
when i stop to think i am amazed at how much has changed since stonewall the gay liberation front emerged from the rebellion naming itself in solidarity with the vietnamese national liberation movement fast forward to today we have pride parades across the country that have become festivals through which […]
our minds intertwine as our bodies recombine sex fuels creation–your eyes make me smile queering the erotic is fly and hypnotic the energy is cosmic–the vibe is supersonic meeting in the dark and scoping city streets keeps my karmic fires burning–keeps your cock in deep sexed up or sex-starved our […]
we live and we love–we laugh and we cry-we seek angels from above-we evolve til we die we dream of a future free from oppression–liberated at last from toxic lies and obsessions each generation meets new tasks–cyber wired nowadays it seems impossible in this moment to anticipate our children’s fate […]
the light of distant stars refracts through our atmosphere crafting a tapestry ripe for exploration by our evolving imagination clouds morph and transform becoming new things and then disintegrating as quickly as they first cohered we remember our stories and our pasts but so often lose the moments if i […]
tonight i saw the light of three stars converge to form a celestial phoenix my cortex felt a surge of energy fueled by dopamine connecting with heavenly angels i watched the plants in my family’s garden move to the erratic rhythms channeled by pandora through my iPhone i felt the […]
i know what i want and i want it now a cock in my hand and a cock in my mouth i long to be held and to feel a mouth pressed to mine erotic thirst so strong it controls my whole mind manic and hyper-sexual i have walked the […]
shock doctrine on overdrive producing billions and endangering lives corporate greed with no oversight lacerating care and magnifying blight we resist day by day in pursuit of a dream we persist in this fight however futile it seems we demand something more than this neoliberal wasteland we demand equality for […]
anchored deep in my soul lies a desperate lover waiting to be made whole crave the touch of a sexy beast i pine with angst and gritted teeth if sex is carnal and love is pure my brain is hardwired to always want more the spirits of the night are […]
trans and queer—standing strong crafting pride with freedom songs erasing division and healing old wounds our phoenix flies high—coming hard and soon the drum beat of revolution is subterranean and fierce our army grows with polished nails and gritted teeth the power of karma is deep rooted and visceral transforming […]
rockstar rebels with hip hop cred infusing the fire with the blood of the dead fighting for justice and keeping it real subverting the logic of armies of steel inked up with tattoos that seduce virgin eyes painting a canvas as spirits arise synced to the pulse of a house […]
rising high and owning the night queer rebels fuck and scream in delight reclaiming our pride and eluding denial sex is nothing if its not a little wild the pathology of bigotry is insidious and cruel luring far too many into its incipid cesspool in claiming a type to define […]
limbs and torso lithe and tight–sexed up bodies burning bright cosmically powered karmic flight–erotically charged karmic nights mind and body fused as one–glean from the moon the power of the sun fight for justice–rise as one…resist the tyranny 45 has begun cylon sluts in fly attire–build strength to fight and […]
erotic minds intertwine—copulate and realign sexy beasts—leather bound—move to the sound of the underground butch or femme—genderqueer—rise as one and crush your fears sing the songs of joy and pride—free the demons leashed inside we live in cataclysmic times—can’t fuck our way to freedom—but we can certainly try we were […]
what is the meaning of independence day to the more than two-million incarcerated a day to dance with brutal irony–a day to feel the burn of being isolated some wounds never fully heal–leaving searing pain waiting in the wings some scars send their roots deep–welding mind and body into a […]
with each passing day the crisis at the top of U.S. society grows more toxic the satanic cabal occupying the nation’s capital is held in check only by our resistance and its tide like impact on the judicial and congressional wings of power we are saying NO day after day […]
on june 10th 2017 dc threw down trans and queer activists blockaded the pride parade after months of fruitless conversation with the gay elite this is a movement moment–stonewall was an urban rebellion against homophobia and police oppression its time to go back to our roots…with the unmentionable president in […]
as boys we are told not to cry told to hold it in–until inner truth gives way to lies as we grow we learn the rules of a patriarchal order where sex is a commodity to be owned bought or stolen.] not one of us is immune to this toxic […]