Light and shadowCause and effectOne and the sameWhat comes next I want your curseI want your diseaseThis is sacred medicinePain pleases me We move through timeHurdling through spaceTasting the fifth dimensionExperiencing the spiritual plane I am the singularityA manifestation of the presentA fusion of all dimensionsLiving in the moment I […]
new culture
There is this journeyA portal of insight wreathed by fireI find this staffChanneling the magic I require I journey with youCrafting these exquisite momentsMeeting brilliant beings in your worldThis family of liberation you have chosen Druid spirit permeates this staffInfusing aging wood with purposeSustaining this psychic infernoSupporting me religiously—as you […]
Fire writhes upwardManifesting dark magicEmanating from the root chakraLiberating my energyAnimating prophetic imagination Tantric forces amplifyAwakening archetypes of masculinityAwakening my inner kingMy fearless rising warriorMy shamanic magicianMy most exquisite tantalizing lover These archetypes interbreedUnder the glow of dark magicEvolving life force in gestationChanneling the contrast of light and shadowChanneling […]
In this spaceOn this landEnergy flows through meMagic transpires I write in the dark of nightAmidst the rhythms of rainShamanic power conjures the elementsPulsating with the vitality of lifeNurturing an inferno of resilience within The omnisexual erotic unfoldsBodies touch and explodeSensual synergy fuels our spiritsThese sacred truths are all we […]
I feel joyEcstatic joyConnection with these beingsConnection with deep waters of transformation Godlings of rain bless this space todayThe land inundatedWater finding the path of least resistanceFlowing serpentine Abram’s Creek a delugePregnant with energy and healingConnecting us with our spirit bodies Our energy flows with the creekFluid lines […]
You were a sacrificeAn offering from the sacredA voice for a generationProphet of liberationProphet of yearning I ride by this riverFeeling subterranean vibrationsThis water helps my spirit cryRiver tears of absolution and restitution Black shadow resonatesOn the surface of sacred waterGlistening like onyxA dark mirror for your storyReflecting the toxicity […]
Blue light ricochets through waterCoursing like seismic electricityInvoking cosmic destinyMolding a conjecture with prophecyThis visceral manifestation of what I feel for you You are my sponseeMy karmic protegesConjuring inner magicReverberating like kinetic staticThrough these waters of synergy I believe in our programThis journey of recoveryA migration towards spiritual discoveryFluid […]
I write beneath the moonWater cascading through this creekTeeming with potentialFlowing from snow and melting iceMoving like a mighty riverReverberating like a mighty river I am in this intentional spaceEnsconced within this chosen familyThese relationships are fluid and verdantImmensely vital and interwovenPulsating with currents of connection We craft a new […]