black queer synergy

11 posts


I don’t know youBut I love you like I doBewitching enigmaJoyous tears a cosmic truth You master the elementsWeaving emotional narrativeYour prophecy resonantYour melodies mysterious Frank Ocean the geniusHierophant and magicianSynthesizing sonic currentsUprooting bad religion Captivating storytellingHooking me like crack rockIntrepid raw emotionYour falsetto an electroshock I write this for […]


I write by my riversI gaze at your faceAnimated by electricityAmplified by grace Your powers cyberkineticYou fuse mind and machineConjuring fantasyLiberating collective dreams Energy floods my cortexThis flood of the eroticOur bodies intertwineOur spirits symbiotic This is quantum physicsWe are photons of lightArising in many dimensionsOur armies rule the night […]


Light and shadowCause and effectOne and the sameWhat comes next I want your curseI want your diseaseThis is sacred medicinePain pleases me We move through timeHurdling through spaceTasting the fifth dimensionExperiencing the spiritual plane I am the singularityA manifestation of the presentA fusion of all dimensionsLiving in the moment I […]

KALI METAMORPHOSIS: anthem for dragon

We share a connectionWe share shamanic magicThe duality of the tantricA fierce energy ecstatic You manifest the divineDuality redefinedThe epic power of KaliCreation redesigned You feast on the blood of demonsOssified skulls adorn your waistSacred sigils frame your faceVisceral dark magic permeates Our journey touched by fireRemolding the power of […]


As Black folkWe rise from oceans of traumaSeas of historic pain We recover like webs of oak treesDeeply rooted in the earthRoots interlocking and interwovenFortified against hurricane Our journey begins againThis sacred pilgrimageConverging to create anticapitalist community Drawing strength from divergent traditionsRivers of menstrual blood flowing subterraneanBlood pregnant with the […]

TANTRIC MYTHOLOGY: a bypo journal

Spirit movesDeeply attunedMy mind expandsDuality reconstrued My god is desireMy god is awakeningThis explosion of tantric fireOur collective divinity creating I am a vessel for the sacredWorshiping divergent pantheonsAztec martyrs fuse with OsirisBantu gods craft new songs Yoruba spirits traverse deep watersYamaya and Oshun: divinity’s daughtersShango’s fire powers virilityFueling the […]


You command with your eyesYou command my desireLicentious forces ariseUprooting despotic empire You are a priest of cylon breedPart human part machinePart vision part dreamAmplifying this revolutionary cree Diasporic rebellion surgesOur hypermodern zeitgeist emergesThe power of wakanda convergesCrafting the alchemy of these verses I write as winter arrivesFrigid winds cut […]


Your shrouded torsoA portal in timeErotic fire writhesDeep inside our minds You are cocooned in lightLiving in the momentEvoking infinityEvoking temporal chemistry Chronology is a variableTime moves slowThen moves fastSinking roots in the momentSummoning powers that last There is rain by my riverDense and foggy Seattle rainI slow and savor […]

SOLSTICE HONESTY: a bypo journal

I come to the deep blue black of my riverI come to take my inventoryTo get honestTo get radically honest It is the night of the summer solsticeI feel called to illuminate my inner worldCalled to reflect our sun’s infinite lightI shine this light on the emotions I wish myself […]


I come to the riverI come to write Your image reverberates in my mindYour incandescent beauty captivates my eye You recline amidst a tapestry of colorYour deep rich skin is luminousCaptivating and energizingMagic like black obsidian I search for meaning in this luxuriant landscapeI see afro-futurismI see hope amidst apocalypse […]


You are my riptideI believe in youYou draw me towards perilous depthsConjuring magicConjuring adoration This riptide is orgasmicIt is flooded with karmic lightSeducing my mind late at nightAllowing desire to inspireAllowing erotic fire to take flight I know you through these imagesRaw, pulsating, and compellingI sense your tantric energyPsychotropic chemistryTransforms […]