monsta army

278 posts

QUEER IT UP: the prohomo manifesto

Stonewall baby Sixty-nine Homo riot Right on time Transgender warriors Kicking it off Battling cops Holding down blocks Out of the closets Into the streets Sex positive baby Show me your teeth Queer it up baby Say my name We fuck who we want No guilt or shame Not black […]


Angels come Angels go Touching hearts Making whole Beauty is As beauty does Seductive drug Cold case love I took you in When we were young Your heart a mess My love a drug You made me feel Much less alone You made my heart Give in to hope I […]


Blood for blood Eye for eye Bin laden wanted Dead or alive White boys at the white house Waving flags and singing loud Revenge killing – assasination Spurs barbaric celebration Flags fly while soldiers die Widows, mothers grieve and cry Obama cheered for war crimes Nobel prize soaked in lies […]

JUDAS BABY: a monsterfamily anthem

jesus cristo son of god carpenter boy skin of bronze comrade to the poor walked with whores born this way baby a monster prophet adored palestinian rebel against roman occupation anarchist devil agent of liberation sword of revolution in jewish hands semitic roots submerged in arab land intifadic crusader jihadic […]

ARSENAL: a study in urban hieroglyphics

AGIT PROP street art HITS THE MIND hits the heart write it down MAKE IT POP make it rhyme MAKE IT ART I PAINT because i am LOVE AND HATE fast friends rockstar DO IT RIGHT went too far LOST THE NIGHT NEOLITHIC pancreatic SO PRODUCTIVE and emphatic hieroglyphics DEEPLY […]


In the beginning was the word And the word was death Or maybe life or death to all life And ADAMA was born Toy soldier of divine clay Neither man nor woman just fine in its way ADAMA was cleaved in two by fire Lightning strike from Zeus on high […]

BANKSYSTYLE: Monster Family Anthem

gaga’s back rollin hard takin’ names takin’ charge rollin deep monster family spreading love losing sleep born this way queer power seize the day milk the hour love and rage guilt and shame make me cry scream my name bypo’s rollin’ banksy style taggin’ walls crackin’ files street army underground […]


a hundred cruise missiles launched today 1 million each- made in the USA the ghosts of those dead in the war on Iraq turn in their graves- show us their backs how better to mark the anniversary of war than by starting another and bombing Libya this is not about […]


emancipate your primal hate give in to love and make a break flash your eyes and bare your teeth monster beats are sheathed beneath polluted skies and broken streets juxtapose this fantasy with creeping pop reality raise a flag and take the streets remind yourself of power unleashed but keep […]


We rule the night Armed with paint Taking walls-scrawling names Plant a flag-say your piece Make it rhyme-make it deep Keep it real-RESPECT the street Cops on the hunt rolling deep Repressing speech suppressing peace Defending the sacred sanctity Of bourgeois private property Upset the cart-rise and fly Empires fall […]

A Short History of Racism

Dehumanizing African lives Rationalizing genocide Embodied in-law-enshrined in rites Consuming a nation riddled in lies It lives in every cop car Writhes on every cell block Seeps through Obama’s door Decimates Iraqi lives Animates the tea party Brain-dead proto-fascists Armed with three bad ideas But too shameless not to talk […]


gentrified-cannabalized dc cries as fenty writhes soaked in shit and wet with lies oligarchy lives to die neoliberal parasites developers should pay a price stop raping public property stop neoliberal slavery graham’s a crook-he’s going down psychofrantic toxic clown loza’s back the pornopimp pseudoking of immigrants telling folks to get […]


the fox is guarding the hen house and bp is fixing the oil spill a toxic game of cat and mouse big oil wants to save its well obama’s talking tough cuz folks are mad as hell but words just aren’t enough hypocrisy has a noxious smell we pay with […]

MONSTA MARX REMIX: the Hybrid Architecture of the GAGA Revolution

juh-juh JUST DANCE to pulsating pokerface rhythms in a TRANCE pink lips on the dealer’s ceiling with alejandro’s lil’ monster da dit-dit-DANCING in the dark flung far and going HARD fanon foucault mieville and marx reading parts and taking charge thinking big but drinking hard post-industrial DECAY ruins the family […]


da-dun-dun-da SHOW ME LOVE ba-dumpadum-pa UP ABOVE SHOW ME GRACE (deface-replace) give me hugs and toxic drugs da dit-dit-DANCING never enough in the DARK (be my thug) MONSTA’s here Never fear in-in-INTIFADA in your ear BYPO c2010 EVOLVE or Die Trying REVOLT or Live Lying

URBAN HIEROGLYPHICS– a poetic collage

agitprop street art hits the mind hits the heart write it down make it pop make it rhyme make it art i write because i am love and hate fast friends rockstar do it right go too far rule the night neolithic pancreatic so seductive and emphatic hieroglyphics deeply rooted […]