
13 posts


  Pulsations of mania All consuming Magnifying creativity Feeding psychic confusion   Time collapses The present is the fulcrum Sequestered trauma explodes Epic emotional overload   I remember lost friendships Feeling visceral pain Flooded by resentment This inferno in my brain   We need love in these moments We need […]


  I write at dawn Under this waning full moon Tides of emotion in these cards Hybrid energy fills the room   I called forth this reading Seeking connection and direction Summoning power for this project Inviting alchemy and inception   I explore this hybrid divination This conversation between oracle […]


  This is a poem about change The pain of change The agony of the caterpillar Dissolving to become a butterfly   This chrysalis of transformation A fulcrum of microcosmic evolution   Evolving from pain A butterfly emerges from flames In fear of the future But with a visceral and […]


  Tonight I seek guidance I yearn to know To see where I end To know where you begin   I strive to guide you Navigating manic waves I seek our emergent oracle Sacred wisdom Amidst this psychic storm   You are my manic angel My creative protege My spirit […]


  Blue light ricochets through water Coursing like seismic electricity Invoking cosmic destiny Molding a conjecture with prophecy This visceral manifestation of what I feel for you   You are my sponsees My karmic proteges Conjuring inner magic Reverberating like kinetic static Through these waters of synergy   I believe […]


Your touch is visceral Inspiring me Rewiring me   Your body grinds in syncopation Effortlessly captivating   You are a dynamo An inferno of sexual power and presence   Your eyes pulsate with tantric energy Inviting desire Inciting carnal fire   Erotic synergy explodes volcanic Exuding ferocious confidence Exuding elusive […]


you see us dance among you, but fail to sense our jedi powers in emergence—we conjure rites of love and liberation aspiring towards an all encompassing transformational resurgence…we sync our bypo minds through the meditative practices of erotic pleasure and service–I can’t choose my apocalypse squad but i can recruit […]

INSURRECTION: a hard house anthem of resistance

we are the ones we’ve been waiting for—we are a people becoming an army knocking on destiny’s door…we aspire to become living gods or at least to become more—we throw down to the house beat driving our armored boots into the floor…cosmology and astrology conjure reborn numerology—like a symphony and […]


they walk among us disrobed and disguised—i seek fulfillment and connection when i stare into their eyes…seductive but liminal—both here and away…we fuck through the night and we do lines to welcome the day…i pray for my angels—i pray for my mind…our lust is a cradle in which our souls […]


our minds teem with divine and sentient seeds—roving connecting bringing consciousness into being…psychiatry forces neurodiversity into boxes–consumed with pathologization and discredited logic…discreet diagnoses overlap and interbreed creating a world full of NEOs–we resist neoliberal hegemony and imagine new ways of sensing cosmic signals… psychosocial distress is a symptom of our […]


enraptured by this moment i see energy everywhere–hieroglyphics coat the sidewalk and magical pixies dance with your hair…emotional release and mutual aid are our most potent medications–we need to heal our hearts and feed our souls reinventing this toxic nation…legions of sisters are coming forward exposing the human toll of […]


manic magicians ponder contradictions—conjuring new weapons for this system’s demolition…superhuman revelations infuse our psychic places—breeding insight and inspiration for our tribe’s preservation… seeing molecules in formation–hearing voices of inspiration…we prowl the streets of gotham fueled by drug-fueled desperation… the toxic essence of our nation is replayed on tv stations—white supremacist […]


the light of distant stars refracts through our atmosphere crafting a tapestry ripe for exploration by our evolving imagination…clouds morph and transform–becoming new things and then disintegrating as quickly as they first cohered…we remember our stories and our pasts but so often lose the moments…if i could only film all […]