I sit by the water—I came here to writeThe river ebbs and flows and pulsates with energyIt reverberates with the power to sustain life and the power to take it… I came to write about my mindto write about the social construct known as bipolar disorderThis diagnosis has been an […]
Fierce tattoos pulsate through your bodyThey are portals of transformation reflecting inside meStories they tell craft a cyberpunk mythologyThis is psychic penetration and apocalyptic anthropology Your body is a canvas of epic proportionsWe fight for psychic strength rid of cognitive distortionsGender fluid we arise from the depths of our sentient […]
You exude carnal fire as a lord of desireWe conspire and rewire to take this energy ever higherI will give you my zen–I will give what you requireWe craft a rising erotic order whose power will never expire The maquis were French rebels against Nazi occupationThe marquis was a high […]
You project and command with fire in your eyesYour energy is psychotropic—raw dopamine in disguiseOrgasmic rivers converge in the matrix of your mindAquatic power reverberates when your lovers intertwine This principality is an experiment in radical imaginationWe craft sacred orgies fueled by tantric emanationsThis space transcends—it is erotic emancipationWe conjure […]
Smoke curls around your faceLike a projection of luminous eyesEnergy reverberates around youCrafting the magic of sacred desire There are fierce tattoos etched across your chestThey are visceral brands of tantric elationTattoos are sigils of the sacred and mysticalTheir ink shapes talismans of divine transformation You are an angel of […]
Your body is an epic canvas intricately woven with tattoosYour energy surges from within—reverberating in all you doYour silhouette carves through darkness—transfixing all in the roomWe will dance to hard house anthems—getting so deeply into the groove Your ink evokes blood memories of sacred magic and spiritual solutionsWe live on a […]
I am an infinite line manifesting in finite spaceI am a potent creative presence that cannot be erasedEvery sinew of your torso reflects the contours of your faceThese fractals are reactive—bringing my mind to this fearless place The leather that armors your body is a seductive vessel of attractionYour eyes […]
Our erotic army is an illicit armySoldiers clad in leather hard and swarthyOur minds are cyber wired with cosmic chemistryWe reimagine desire: sex becomes artistry Our harnesses are conduits for tantric stimulationOrgasmic ecstasy is a pivotal pillar of creationWe conceive a world of joy and emancipationWe bring this vision to […]
The river black and matte like rubber urges me to think of the pastOceans of crime and centuries of grime dismembered by our magic at last Nations of Black bodies ensnared by other AfricansSold as chattel to avaricious conquistadors and mercantilistsThe river bleeds red in memory of this holocaust This […]
Your skin dark like night boldly seared with tattoosYou transfix my mind with intensity—with the power of your moodsWe imagine a world of love where solidarity rulesWe craft outlines of this future as we sharpen our tools We are aboriginal people before pillage and conquestWe are aboriginal nations before enslavement […]
Armies of men cohere once againWe will fight to the end—we are lovers and friendsTurbines and pistons move our revolutionary enginesThey pulsate to the rhythm of your tantric commands The fire in your eye is subtle and sacredWe prepare to reclaim all that has been takenWe aspire for evolution—for social […]
Your chest is branded in sinuous inkExpanding contracting—projecting crimson instinctWe invent new libations to worship and drinkWe flood our minds with dopamine every time we blink Your pulse is erotic fierce and hypnoticEnsnared by leather you project power tectonicWe conjure a symphony bold and supersonicYour palpitation and elation are exponential […]
Spirits are churning—wildfires are burningAs a people we are learningWe are striving—we are yearning Apocalypse is here—it is sinking its rootsWe resist and rebel—but we feel weak and abusedFrom deep within we imagine the power of sacred truthWe imagine solutions—we try to reboot We must center connection—live with love and […]