
39 posts


I am ensconced in recovery Emblazoned by surrender Rewired by these waters Rivers of transformation flowing together   I am the water king An aquatic tantric magician I resurrect ancient prophecy I create my own religion   My throne is luminous My kingdom egalitarian Neurodivergence fuels our purpose Waters of […]


Eyes wide open Eyes wide shut You look deep within Extending your trust   Opening my mind to new culture To the zeitgeist of the moment Grounding me in the present Rooted in the path we have chosen   I call you gothic angel You are a protege of prophecy […]


As Black folk We rise from oceans of trauma Seas of historic pain   We recover like webs of oak trees Deeply rooted in the earth Roots interlocking and interwoven Fortified against hurricane   Our journey begins again This sacred pilgrimage Converging to create anticapitalist community   Drawing strength from […]


You were a sacrifice An offering from the sacred A voice for a generation Prophet of liberation Prophet of yearning   I ride by this river Feeling subterranean vibrations This water helps my spirit cry River tears of absolution and restitution   Black shadow resonates On the surface of sacred […]


  Blue light ricochets through water Coursing like seismic electricity Invoking cosmic destiny Molding a conjecture with prophecy This visceral manifestation of what I feel for you   You are my sponsees My karmic proteges Conjuring inner magic Reverberating like kinetic static Through these waters of synergy   I believe […]

Letter to Ahmed

You were a pillar of my life For more than twelve years I swam in your waters Guided by a prophetic light   Your conviction was contagious Your energy visceral Your power of persuasion electric and magnetic   Now that you have passed I feel a painful absence Aching like […]


Explosive emotions Burning inside Luscious narrative Before my eyes   A film about cannibals An epic apocryphal Erotic power elemental Connecting with fire in us all   Blood is your water You thirst to go further Manifesting forever Writhing together   You are a vesper of transformation Emerging from an […]


  You ripple with orogeny Subterranean power flowing Energy emanating from the ocean floor   Pulsating through your veins Descending like sacred air Your presence is magnetic Channelling collective hope and pain   This leather animates your sensuality Projecting emancipated corporeality Your cosmic chemistry transcends borders Psychic electricity conjures prophecy […]


Your shrouded torso A portal in time Erotic fire writhes Deep inside our minds   You are cocooned in light Living in the moment Evoking infinity Evoking temporal chemistry   Chronology is a variable Time moves slow Then moves fast Sinking roots in the moment Summoning powers that last   […]


You are thunder amidst the rain You swim in the river that keeps me sane Erotic power flows through your veins We recover from apocalypse With whatever remains   Your image evokes the carnal Licentious gym sex You pulsate with intensity You flirt and seduce–grind and flex   Deep within […]


You are wired with the fire of leather Magnifying desire with the rhythms of pleasure Visceral synergy brings our worlds together Projecting electricity too potent to measure   Manifesting as Hephaestus you forge volcanic Crafting sacred talismans—reimagining the orgasmic Grinding to leather anthems both raw and ecstatic Transforming my spirit […]


You channel this chemistry You nurture this flame This is kinetic artistry An ecstatic erotic game   Leather accents your sensuality Leather manifests corporeality Embodied animality An inferno of orgasmic pain   You wield this flame like a scimitar Conjuring the sacred and spiritual Flexing power with pyrotechnic ritual Healing […]


You engage all of my senses Senses yet to be discovered You elevate and animate Transgressive beauty like no other   You are levitation You are erotic detonation You activate liberation Cleansing this toxic nation   I believe in you I believe in your spirit Your body is enticing Inviting […]