
37 posts


Until we need it mostWe often do not know how blessed we are I could easily have been killed on January 2, 2025Four young men demanded my winter coat I refusedThey pummelled my head relentlesslyI felt teeth crack I relentedGiving them my Moose Knuckle parkaThey took my coat and bagDriving […]


  I want to writeWe just welcomed the new yearI feel this fierce urge to writeYet I don’t know if this is really a poemI don’t know if I want anyone else to read it I ponder alignmentI meditate on integrityNoticing my tendency to conflate emotionsIlluminating my proclivity to sexualize […]


    This is a poemAbout an enigmaA mystery tattooed in blood You are goneYou can no longer speak your truthLeaving us with so much mystery We have a limited public recordMuch of it silent about your sexuality The evidence that you were queerConfined to a brief isolated tweet In […]


  These tears we let flowThrough art we createFeeling painful emotionsThat we no longer sedate Loving to numbGetting high was our thingWe chased euphoriaNow we live to stay clean Enchained by addictionWe fled our insecuritiesGripped by toxic shameWe escaped psycho-chemically Now we survive our feelingsOur emotions are psychic fuelAlchemized by […]


  You’re not just my sponsorOr my personal mentorA trifecta of different rolesDiverse to your very core Beholder of virtuous wisdomYou feed my psycheEmbracing neurodiversityTransforming a better me You’ve redefined masculinityTo let the tears flowWhile embracing femininityLetting all shame go The flaws we shareLike the drugs we craveOur pain untetheredThrough […]


  Our fates ruled by planetsEmotions ruled by tidesMoonfire burns withinMoonfire fuels our minds This cosmic pulsationRewiring imaginationInviting liberationConjuring salvation Our sacred paths alignImmersed in waters of recoveryThe moon is strong hereLunations reconfigure destiny The light of our sun reflectedThese nocturnal reverberationsMoonfire captivatesProjecting supernatural illumination\ Our spirits soar togetherSeeking trenchant […]


I write at dawnUnder this waning full moonTides of emotion in these cardsHybrid energy fills the room I called forth this readingSeeking connection and directionSummoning power for this projectInviting alchemy and inception I explore this hybrid divinationThis conversation between oracle and tarotI let the wisdom of the cards speakInviting them […]


You were in the world but not of itYou told of awful thingsYou created from a cradle of painA dad sized cavity in your spirit What if I could have been your friend?Helping you set boundariesCould you have escaped tragedyThe scourge of fentanylClaiming your life You saw the toxicity of […]

RESURRECTION: a bypo journal

  I am hereI should have died I jumped from Key BridgePlummeting into the Potomac RiverThere was ice in the water I should have diedBut I am here I remember jumpingI remember a torrid confluence of emotion Misery, desperation, disconnection Then I remember salvationA man pulled me from the waterAn ambulance […]


We floss and flexWe rise and grindReinventing timeRealigning our minds We share the work of recoveryI feel this fierce prideLoving you like familyOur connection a sacred fire We are disco nobilityEmpowered by virilityDancing with destinyEmbodying artistry Armed with fur and vinylMy pulse acceleratesDressed to killWhat we imagine is real You […]


Light and shadowCause and effectOne and the sameWhat comes next I want your curseI want your diseaseThis is sacred medicinePain pleases me We move through timeHurdling through spaceTasting the fifth dimensionExperiencing the spiritual plane I am the singularityA manifestation of the presentA fusion of all dimensionsLiving in the moment I […]


, When I see youI see nascent joyChained by webs of self-deception When I hear your voiceSometimes I hear honesty and vulnerabilitySometimes evasion and rationalization I feel your potentialI feel your inner struggleI feel you torn in many directionsOscillating between spiritual growth and addiction We write by our riversThey reconnect […]


We move with epic styleVersace shades beguileWe seek transcendent freedomFreedom from shame and denial I strive to light your wayA path from drugs we craveWe name the roots of painNurturing a sacred flame We strut and flaunt our furRebranding this holy wordRecovery transforms our worldA flag of hope and pride […]


Eyes wide openEyes wide shutYou look deep withinExtending your trust Opening my mind to new cultureTo the zeitgeist of the momentGrounding me in the presentRooted in the path we have chosen I call you gothic angelYou are a protege of prophecyYou churn in potent watersRadiating cosmic chemistry I want to […]


    I feel joyEcstatic joyConnection with these beingsConnection with deep waters of transformation Godlings of rain bless this space todayThe land inundatedWater finding the path of least resistanceFlowing serpentine Abram’s Creek a delugePregnant with energy and healingConnecting us with our spirit bodies Our energy flows with the creekFluid lines […]


This is raw emotionBarely processed reflexive emotionFeelings swimming amidst violent cliffsLurching in divergent directionsSeeking cathartic expressionSeeking connection We loved youWe loved you fiercelyIf only you could have felt the joy of youThe humility and vulnerabilityThe visceral presence of connection Ultimately there is no logicWe cannot know your final feelingsWe cannot […]


As Black folkWe rise from oceans of traumaSeas of historic pain We recover like webs of oak treesDeeply rooted in the earthRoots interlocking and interwovenFortified against hurricane Our journey begins againThis sacred pilgrimageConverging to create anticapitalist community Drawing strength from divergent traditionsRivers of menstrual blood flowing subterraneanBlood pregnant with the […]


I made this pilgrimageI came to the sea seeking recoveryTo this convening of addictsTrying to change our patternsTrying to recover It is only AprilThe ocean is still coldBut I walked into her arms three times yesterday I waded in with the dawnWatching the sun rise through the lens of a […]


You were a sacrificeAn offering from the sacredA voice for a generationProphet of liberationProphet of yearning I ride by this riverFeeling subterranean vibrationsThis water helps my spirit cryRiver tears of absolution and restitution Black shadow resonatesOn the surface of sacred waterGlistening like onyxA dark mirror for your storyReflecting the toxicity […]


  Blue light ricochets through waterCoursing like seismic electricityInvoking cosmic destinyMolding a conjecture with prophecyThis visceral manifestation of what I feel for you You are my sponseeMy karmic protegesConjuring inner magicReverberating like kinetic staticThrough these waters of synergy I believe in our programThis journey of recoveryA migration towards spiritual discoveryFluid […]


I see fire in this paintingStrength born from painI see resilience and perseverance I see the resurgent power of creationPower to remold fateRivers of color modulateChurning with the resilience of imagination I feel my own journey of recoveryReflected in viscous paintSo much loss and betrayalLittering my tortured way I have […]


MemoriesHaunting meLeaving meNo air to breathe DestinyMysteryHaunting meTaunting me I come to writeI come to witnessHundreds of birdsFlocking to the sunThe day has begunMind and body are one I feel deep painReverberating insideI wish I could forgetI wish I could cry Pain for love lostPainful goodbyesBrutal rejectionTorturing my eyes You […]


You are thunder amidst the rainYou swim in the river that keeps me saneErotic power flows through your veinsWe recover from apocalypseWith whatever remains Your image evokes the carnalLicentious gym sexYou pulsate with intensityYou flirt and seduce–grind and flex Deep within transformations emergeOrganic and orgasmic fluids convergeTime stands still awaiting […]

SOLSTICE HONESTY: a bypo journal

I come to the deep blue black of my riverI come to take my inventoryTo get honestTo get radically honest It is the night of the summer solsticeI feel called to illuminate my inner worldCalled to reflect our sun’s infinite lightI shine this light on the emotions I wish myself […]


I come through sandReverberating with karmic potential I come for the sunRising from beyond the ocean We are survivors of addictionA ruthless afflictionGathered to share our storiesStaying clean one day at a time Our disease is insidiousBrutal and persistent We are forever imperiledVulnerable to seductive allureThe urge to suppress challenging […]

CLEAN DATE: a bypo journal

February 26thIs just a dateA marker in timeAn outpost amidst psychic wildlings For me it is my clean dateToday—my two year anniversaryTwo years without drugs, including alcoholTwo years of recoveryTwo years of spiritual growt The valence of my mental oscillations is manageableI am more stable and connected than I have […]