Genocide in any age is horrifying…for painful months, my outrage has burned–but I had not found time to do more than share posts or talk about the issue in my communities… On Saturday, June 8th, I was proud to take to the streets… our mobilization attempted to surround the […]
Prologue: Displacement has a long history on this ground Nacotchtank: the Piscataway people’s name for this land Describing the convergence of rivers and its people This park was a Black cemetery Powerful abolitionists lie interred here We imagine a legacy Seeds of contemporary resistance Sowed by generations long […]
e My lips are a place of deep conditioning My full Black lips So much less perfect than my white father’s So much uglier than those of my white cousins I love them now But once they were a psychic scar At age ten I learned to hold them […]
Scattershot photo-ops Grip my mind Pierce my heart Black beauty and faith rise transcendent Rivers of injustice are never-ending Light and shadow interweave Crafting a sacred tapestry Tattoos writhe with tantric energy Projecting emphatic ecstasy Projecting prophetic potency Pain and joy Hope and pride Manifesting before my […]
The river black and matte like rubber urges me to think of the past Oceans of crime and centuries of grime dismembered by our magic at last Nations of Black bodies ensnared by other Africans Sold as chattel to avaricious conquistadors and mercantilists The river bleeds red in memory […]
Living with purpose—living with joy and passion She is an oracle of truth—of psychospiritual reactions Her totems are windows into her being’s manifestations The giraffe connotes perspective—the butterfly signifies transformation The metaphysical power of snake medicine lies in her gifted hands We shed old skins but sustain our […]
This is a fantasy and a vision—it is a vector in the exercise of erotic imagination… I saw your lips meet those of your dancer, and I imagined that they were my own… I imagined the contours of your body as they channel the power of godlings of the subconscious… […]
Their eyes pulsate with emotion… All of their limbs are taut and ready animated by the urgency of the moment… These are the guardians of that which was not taken These shamanic warriors defend the motherland, guarding space for our people to thrive… We whose ancestors were expropriated fight for […]
Centuries of oppression and rebellion—of pain and joy—eddy in the waters of time—pregnant with generations of our blood memories… Valkyrie choose the slain in combat—they choose whose blood flows to extinction and whose lives are spared… Black women carry the weight of our struggle in their bones—with marrow communicating routes […]
Snake medicine pulsates through my being, unleashing immense powers of creativity—bringing psychic energy into awareness and channeling this magic towards our need for healing… The kundalini power arising from the root chakra ascends through our snake-like spinal column…I envision a serpentine double-helix armoring our spines and our minds through […]
dancers stomp, twist, and writhe—giving voice to desires pent up deep inside…we long to rise as one and mobilize—our subaltern armies will rule the night… our democracy is plagued and under siege—we need cyberpunk power to keep the peace…nazis and fascists will come rolling deep—but our samurai neurodivergents have a […]
I imagine you lying beside me…black on black—skin to skin…I feel a fire of liberation deep within—I feel a cocoon of black love opening its arms so I can trust and fall in…the contours of your body excite my imagination and your lips are an invitation to sacred crime…our connection […]
your eyes entrance, ensnare, and inspire Conjuring waves of ecstatic passion that rise up ever higher your body is a talisman, a sacred interstellar vessel, and an erotic fire your images sync with my lyrics allowing our reality to amp up and rewire sex is so potent, so visceral, […]
collective grief and collective rage–freedom crushed, jailed and chained…we rise in power saying all of their names–we resist this toxic fascist plague…we find joy in struggle and joy through our tears–across our nation we rise to conquer fear…power quakes when our fires are revealed–if they don’t concede we will […]
black bondage, black pain–black pride, black rage…our people have been birthed through the torturous lacerations of whips and chains…fear is our enemy so trust in the divine–sacred powers heal historic wounds and bend the flow of time…whats mine is yours and whats yours is mine–unleash the godlike serpent writhing deep […]
black men are fucking beautiful–and it hurts me that sometimes i don’t see that…i was born to a black mother and a white father, with tons of white cousins but none on my mother’s side…so that and systemic toxicity combined so that while only 8 or so i learned how […]
apologies… for this is a frantically written poem–struggling to come to grips with a cataclysmic situation…eager to fuel the white nationalist vitriol of his base, our would-be-dictator is deploying the national guard to persecute migrants fleeing poverty and desperation and seeking some faint hope of a better life…the stakes in […]
its indictment monday and heads are rolling—its a perp walk of the privileged and our resistance is growing…we are fighting for regime change here at home—we are fighting for a future that justice and karma will condone…manafort is going down—flynn was booted out in disgrace…but we need more than the […]
as long as our ancestors have inhabited this earth—we have sought stories to give meaning to our death and our birth…we have craved sex, money, power, and pride—we have yearned to give voice to what gestates inside…the human species has evolved to yearn and transform—creating new systems and crafting new […]
flying high on dopamine i see visions in the sky…hieroglyphics everywhere seducing my mind late at night…when i close my eyes i see wormholes to distant galaxies…we must resist the pathologization of our tribe’s neurodiversity…i dream in staccato rhythms–refueling energy for the day ahead…i am wired in deep meditation–or feining […]
nazi flags flying proud—confronted by anti-fascist crowds…charlottesville bleeding red—heather heyer left for dead…the depths of white supremacy laid raw and bare—confederate monuments in our movement’s cross-hairs…its high time for a new reconstruction—dismantling the prison complex with abolition…the fight for black lives rises fierce and fly—rebuilding community and sustaining lives…the rank […]
so much ink has been spilled over the past week…about the abhorrent resurgence of overtly nazi agitation in charlottesville…the taking of a life far too soon–the loss of Heather Heyer still so visceral in our hearts…it has been a tumultuous week and I am grateful at least that a torrent […]
on june 10th 2017 dc threw down…trans and queer activists blockaded the pride parade after months of fruitless conversation with the gay elite…this is a movement moment–stonewall was an urban rebellion against homophobia and police oppression…its time to go back to our roots…with the unmentionable president in power, we can’t […]
we are vagrants and migrants united by defiance we swear by mutant creeds evolving newborn science la lutte ouvriere–class war in gallic style flows through intersectional rivers elevating the marginalized… un ejercito grows transcendant a global army rising proud la justicia es nuestra alma black power here and now infidel […]
speaking truth to a nation addicted to lies–standing strong in a world seduced by the buy…taking a knee and taking the heat–raising a fist and crunking the beat…colin the prophet–black jesus reborn…bringing huey’s manic genius to martin’s sacred song…black lives under fire–immigrants under siege…psychic forces breathe deeper–conjuring new creeds… the […]