
210 posts


striving to live in the moment but craving so much more neurons firing in a torrent –craving gaga’s lucious cure time is so relative–so subject to perceptive change we relive our pasts incessently until we learn to carve our own way sex-charged and politically radical–the most potent combination my pansexuality […]


ancient myths meet modern rites karmic lovers conjoin at night orion’s arrow pierced medusa’s hide serpents strike-gorge-then die icarus flew to heaven’s door wings hand-made withstood no more burned alive on nirvana’s shore giving birth to hellenic lore rosa told the story of sisyphus moving rocks in a toxic grip […]


strong and proud while sleek and fly knowing more than meets the eye attracting lovers in the night craving love and living life conjuring powers from decolonized roots branding bodies and arming our troops unafraid of ambiguity and challenging fixed roles imagining a future where our souls will remold anticapitalist […]

SUN GOD: a poem for riley

cosmic powers infuse our live breeding genius and stoking fires the sun eclipsed by the moon on high a baby born amid karmic lights we bid you welcome dear riley to this world at war between the forces of evil and the prophets of yore we bring you into community […]


cylon jedis grind their teeth grooving to a hard house beat recruiting an army to take out this cabal uniting the subaltern and rediscovering cosmic powers trans and queer are flying high resisting the bigots and steeling our style organizing is a creative art when revolutionary theory comes to life […]


nazi flags flying proud confronted by anti-fascist crowds charlottesville bleeding red heather heyer left for dead the depths of white supremacy laid raw and bare confederate monuments in our movement’s cross-hairs its high time for a new reconstruction dismantling the prison complex with abolition the fight for black lives rises […]


so much ink has been spilled over the past week about the abhorrent resurgence of overtly nazi agitation in charlottesville the taking of a life far too soon the loss of Heather Heyer still so visceral in our hearts it has been a tumultuous week and I am grateful at […]


trans and queer we rise and resist neon colored bolsheviks sex is sacred and love is fly sate your desire and rise up high feminist brigades make the patriarchy quake fuel the fires and barricade the gates we are fighting for a world of total sexual liberation a cause we […]

PHYSICAL ATTRACTION: a meditation on trans and queer liberation

chemical reaction–a sweet satisfactionorgasmic interaction–its physical attraction we seek all our lives–for ones to love and to fuckwe harbor deep inside–the urge to rim and suck expanding our conceptions of sex and of genderhas left the right apoplectic, fired up, and untethered to my trans sisters and brothers i dedicate […]


rebels arise from every corner of our country demanding justice for immigrants decrying hate and bigotry amidst this kaleidoscope of resistance we must create space to strategize find time to dig deeper find new ways to organize too many on the left view dc as a stage a place for […]


we flex and strut—dropping beats don’t give a fuck—feeling the heat the rebel within comes to light demanding respect—securing relief rockstar renegades we rule the night proclaiming truth under flashing lights worshipping stars—seeking truth holding on—bulletproof our army brands anti-capitalist praxis street art vixens transform ideas into action crafting plans […]


sacrificial offerings placate the wife of shiva sacred fires fuel the brilliance of our trans and femme divas locked in wax and oil is the power to shed light we need our fires stoked–we need rebels willing to fight a nascient batallion of bypo freaks has evolved the rite of […]


praying for love and praying for peace praising the sun and craving relief we have miscreants in power—sowing seeds of social death we must resist in this crucial hour—fighting with every sinew and every breath its time to exorcise the demons of white supremacy time to heal the historic wounds […]


when i stop to think i am amazed at how much has changed since stonewall the gay liberation front emerged from the rebellion naming itself in solidarity with the vietnamese national liberation movement fast forward to today we have pride parades across the country that have become festivals through which […]


our minds intertwine as our bodies recombine sex fuels creation–your eyes make me smile queering the erotic is fly and hypnotic the energy is cosmic–the vibe is supersonic meeting in the dark and scoping city streets keeps my karmic fires burning–keeps your cock in deep sexed up or sex-starved our […]


we live and we love–we laugh and we cry-we seek angels from above-we evolve til we die we dream of a future free from oppression–liberated at last  from toxic lies and obsessions each generation meets new tasks–cyber wired nowadays it seems impossible in this moment to anticipate our children’s fate […]


shock doctrine on overdrive producing billions and endangering lives corporate greed with no oversight lacerating care and magnifying blight we resist day by day in pursuit of a dream we persist in this fight however futile it seems we demand something more than this neoliberal wasteland we demand equality for […]


limbs and torso lithe and tight–sexed up bodies burning bright cosmically powered karmic flight–erotically charged karmic nights mind and body fused as one–glean from the moon the power of the sun fight for justice–rise as one…resist the tyranny 45 has begun cylon sluts in fly attire–build strength to fight and […]


erotic minds intertwine—copulate and realign sexy beasts—leather bound—move to the sound of the underground butch or femme—genderqueer—rise as one and crush your fears sing the songs of joy and pride—free the demons leashed inside we live in cataclysmic times—can’t fuck our way to freedom—but we can certainly try we were […]


what is the meaning of independence day to the more than two-million incarcerated a day to dance with brutal irony–a day to feel the burn of being isolated some wounds never fully heal–leaving searing pain waiting in the wings some scars send their roots deep–welding mind and body into a […]


we are vagrants and migrants united by defiance we swear by mutant creeds evolving newborn science la lutte ouvriere–class war in gallic style flows through intersectional rivers elevating the marginalized… un ejercito grows transcendant a global army rising proud la justicia es nuestra alma black power here and now infidel […]


one hundred days of insanity bombast and bigotry more than one hundred days of resistance reaching deeper and summoning the best of the human spirit the quasi-comic spectacle of proto-fascist corporate incompetence would be amusing if the stakes weren’t so deathly high war games in the middle east saber rattling […]


natural selection–queer resurrection immaculate conception is an age-old deception amplify our voices–magnify the choices if karma is a bitch then feed the bitch some morsels sexed-up homo thugs–veins infused by cosmic drugs hit the streets in search of love–copulate with gods above the shitstorm clusterfuck of the cheetoh-fuhrer–warbucks breeds an […]


it is excruciatingly late and i am wired…thoughts flowing fast like the currents of the nile pondering the mysteries of consciousness–examining the porous boundary between genius and psychosis this is not entirely new territory ever since my first mania i have wondered what to make of all these intense and […]


class war anarchists born-again bolsheviks take the streets–hit or miss fly as shit–raise your fist black and brown–trans and queer we fight to bring nirvana here… holding on and conquering fear our posses roam far and near… corporate power divides our land a reborn left takes a stand social justice […]

ALCHEMY: the anatomy of revolution

hybrid spirits realign crafting plans and reading minds rebels fight and percolate arming shields with platinum plates gaga strikes while banksy flies systems change when graf-heads write cylon powers reemerge disparate traditions reconverge prophecy and chemistry artistry and alchemy ministry that never sleeps builds an altar rooted deep our universe […]